Re: [dev] [dwm] autoraise floating windows when gaining focus

From: Κρακ Άουτ <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:44:12 +0300

On 2024-06-18 14:10 Κρακ Άουτ <> wrote:

> On 2024-06-18 13:52 Anthony wrote:
>> On 6/18/24 8:25 AM, Κρακ Άουτ wrote:
>>> Hello to all,
>> Hi.
>>> I'd like to autoraise floating windows when gaining focus. The
>>> current behaviour is, windows gets focus on mouse pointer hover,
>>> but
>>> needs modkey press + left button mouse click to raise. I searched
>>> but did not locate any such patch. Is there perhaps, or could you
>>> give me any advice on how to achieve this?
>> I'm not a regular user of DWM anymore, but I just rapidly tried
>> with
>> the last version and this feature seems to work. Maybe you have an
>> outdated version (probably not, I think this has been there since
>> 2009) or perhaps another patch is blocking this?
>> Regards.
> In that case, a patch that I've added must have changed the
> behaviour
> (about ten added). I'll try a stock installation of dwm to see.
> Thank you.

I tried the stock dwm, just downloaded from It does not autoraise floating windows when gaining focus.

So my initial question remains, any advice on how to achieve this?
Received on Thu Jul 25 2024 - 14:44:12 CEST

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