Re: [dev] [st] Home key does not work in yash

From: Страхиња Радић <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 00:33:57 +0200

Дана 24/08/08 03:24PM, Roberto E. Vargas Caballero написа:
> In fact, the correct thing to do is not modifying TERM.
> St defines the correct value for the TERM variable, and
> you can change that value in the config.h file, based in
> your preferences.

st sets the default, but setting TERM overrides that and allows for
some flexibility. But the testing has shown that TERM is irrelevant for
this issue. Even with the OP's settings, Backspace in st+yash is
working without issues here. The only difference with different values
for TERM seems to be whether yash outputs the cwd or not. With some
choices for TERM, cwd isn't output near the bottom of the terminal
window by yash's example prompt.

> [...] If I am not wrong there is even a value
> for st using backspace for backspace, even when it does
> not behaves like that by default.

Indeed there is, the key array.

The st FAQ[1] even has some information about the Del key, which is

> ## Why doesn't the Del key work in some programs?

However, like I said, I cannot reproduce the issue, both with
precompiled yash installed via pkg_add in OpenBSD 7.5, and the one
compiled from source, and st built from source, and the OP didn't
report if compiling from fresh sources made any difference.

Received on Fri Aug 09 2024 - 00:33:57 CEST

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