Re: [dev] [st] Home key does not work in yash

From: Страхиња Радић <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 06:24:53 +0200

Дана 24/08/08 04:52PM, Randy Palamar написа:
> How exactly are you invoking yash? On my Gentoo box invoking
> `TERM=linux-s yash` from ksh running inside st and pressing HOME
> leads to yash echoing back `ESC[H` (here ESC == \x1b). Simply
> invoking `yash` causes HOME to behave as expected.

I was invoking yash exactly like that. On OpenBSD 7.5, this causes
typing a command and pressing the Home key to position the cursor to
the beginning of the command line in the spawned shell.

However, now I notice when executing st, then typing

        export TERM=linux-s

that typing a command and pressing Home doesn't do anything.

What restores the behavior of the Home key, however, is typing (from
the same instance of yash)

        export TERM=st-256color
*or any* of the following:

        export TERM=st
        export TERM=tmux
        export TERM=tmux-256color

as stated earlier. After any single command from the list above is
executed, typing a command and pressing Home positions the cursor to the
beginning of the command line.
Received on Fri Aug 09 2024 - 06:24:53 CEST

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