[dwm] event.c

From: Kurt Maier <karmaflux_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 23:39:21 -0500


I'm pretty excited about dwm. I currently use evilwm, but I've always
wished there were a minimalistic tiling window manager. I'm hoping
dwm can be it.

I have a question about event.c, though. In it, you have hotkeys set
up to run specific programs. I don't understand why. If you really
want to keep dwm fast, small, and on-target, why haven't you removed
all hotkeys but a terminal? After all, there are plenty of programs,
like xbindkeys, KeyLaunch, etc. that can handle this functionality.

Needless to say, my copy of dwm has already been modified. I'm just
curious to know why you designed it this way.

Finally, I'd like to reiterate that I'm very excited about your
project. Should I submit patches to the mailing list, or to a
different place?

Thanks for creating dwm,
Kurt H. Maier
Received on Wed Jul 19 2006 - 06:39:23 UTC

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