Re: [dwm] From Debian defaults

From: Gonçalo Ferreira <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 21:29:17 +0100

Hello Kai,

> I don't understand how the .xinitrc works. dwm restarts result in a "broken
> pipe" for that info bit. I swear that top right thing was working at one point
> too. :/

My ~/.xinitrc follows so you can see an example:

while sleep 60; do echo `date +%R`; done | ~/bin/dwm

> sam$ echo blah | dwm
> dwm: another window manager is already running

This happens because you're trying to run dwm in a running X session.

> I recompiled making my own Debian package. Now I fear new Debian
> versions of dwm package will upgrade over my changes. Sigh.

Install your custom dwm version in ~/bin and use ~/bin/dwm in your
~/.xinitrc. That way you can rest assured that Debian won't overwrite
your dwm binary.

Received on Tue Aug 22 2006 - 22:29:19 UTC

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