Re: [dwm] Again client titles and nmaster indicator

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 13:48:16 +0100

On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 12:27:48PM +0100, Stefan Tibus wrote:
> Well... actually in your screenshot the mode indicator
> just looks a strangely named tag...
> It doesn't separate as good as with a distinct status
> color.

That's true, but a dwm user knows that this is no tag. In larswm
there was only BG and FG color, and its users also knew which
parts of the bar where related to a specific functionality. If
the mode symbols are different to tag names I don't see much
potential for being misinterpreted as a tag in such a case
(maybe newbies might have this impression on the first glance,
but they will learn how to interpret is as well).

In vim the :'<,'> indicator is also not highlighted in a
different color...

> On Sun, 14 Jan 2007 13:09:39 +0100 Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
> colors. And as above, BG=unfocused and FG=focused is very misleading.

That is true, hence this hasn't been used.

> Yes, but as I said with regard to your snapshot, the mode
> looks like a tag at first glance. It needs a distinct color (and
> requires only two additional constants - you just threw them
> away to introduce two others, are those two lines saved that
> important?).

Yes, those lines aved are important. It's easier to find a
2-color tuple scheme for normal and highlighted stuff, than a
3-color tuple scheme.

> You've already implemented that, but I don't think it's good
> this way. Also, as it's just about naming constants, I can't
> see why SEL/NORM-BG/FG/BORDER is better than SEL/NORM-BG/FG
> and (UN)FOCUSEDFRAME... which would be much more self-explaining.
> And these frame-colors have no relation at all to the tag
> colours, so why group them together?

SEL refers to selected things, like selected tags, the selected
client or the selected dmenu item, whereas NORM refers to
not-selected things, like the bar, unselected tags, all
not-selected clients, not-selected dmenu items. I think this is
a very intuitive naming convention.

SELBORDER means the border of a selected thing, in dwm only
windows have a border, hence this refers to the border of
selected clients. Same argumentation for NORMBORDER - I don't
see any potential for being misinterpreted here.


 Anselm R. Garbe >< >< GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Mon Jan 15 2007 - 13:48:16 UTC

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