I released a new version of the patch today -- dwm-3.8-bstack.1.diff --
it renames 'tileright' back to the default name of 'tile'. So now here
are all the possibilities:
#define LAYOUTS \
static Layout layout[] = { \
/* symbol function */
{ "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */ \
{ "=[]", tileleft }, \
{ "TTT", bstackportrait }, \
{ "===", bstacklandscape }, \
{ "><>", floating }, \
Enjoy! -RPM
On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 12:38 -0400, Ross Mohn wrote:
> The Bottom Stack patch for dwm-3.8 is now available. I want to thank
> Anselm for the new, super clean code base on which layout patches can
> now be applied!
> This patch provides additional layouts for dwm. It no longer includes
> code for client title bars as that is truly separate functionality. I
> hope to have some time to create a client title bars patch, but if
> someone else wants to tackle it, please let me know.
> To enable the layouts from this patch, simply modify your config.h file
> to include the desired layouts. The default function setlayout() cycles
> through each of your defined layouts. The old functions togglestackpos()
> and togglestacklayout() have been removed. Here is what it would look
> like with all possible layouts enabled (not recommended!):
> #define LAYOUTS \
> static Layout layout[] = { \
> /* symbol>------>-------function */ \
> { "[]=",>------->-------tileright }, /* first entry is default */ \
> { "=[]",>------->-------tileleft }, \
> { "TTT",>------->-------bstackportrait }, \
> { "===",>------->-------bstacklandscape }, \
> { "><>",>------->-------floating }, \
> };
> http://www.suckless.org/wiki/dwm/patches/bottom_stack/
> Enjoy! -RPM
Received on Tue Mar 13 2007 - 13:30:12 UTC
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