Re: [dwm] about dwm's quit and Xorg's quit

From: Philipp Köhler <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 15:39:18 +0200

If i use dwms MOD+shift+Q i dont really exit dwm... just a blank
screen. but i dont return to gdm.

right now i use MOD+shift+Q to quit dwm and then i use Ctrl-Alt-BS to
restart X and get into gdm. is there a easier/better method?!

thx a lot

On 6/12/07, Christian Garbs <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 09:14:14AM +0800, anhnmncb wrote:
> > what's the difference between dwm's quit using Alt-Shift-Q by
> > default and Xorg's quit using Ctrl-Alt-BS, which one is better for
> > quit?
> The former quits the dwm process while the latter kills the whole X
> server. Depending on your setup, these can be two very different
> things.
> For example, when you are modifing dwm, you could run it in an endless
> loop, so that you can just do a compile, kill dwm and the freshly
> recompiled dwm will restart _without_ killing your whole X session.
> (Personally, I prefer the dwm restart patch for this situation.)
> If you run dwm from your .Xsession and quitting dwm also ends your X
> session, then both variants are nearly identical. Although a "proper"
> shutdown of your X session might be favored to just killing the X
> server.
> Redards,
> Christian
> --
> ....Christian.Garbs.....................................
> Wird "Neuling" jetzt eigentlich standartmässig "Newbee" geschrieben?
Received on Sun Jun 17 2007 - 15:39:19 UTC

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