[dwm] .xinitrc pipe problems

From: Jonny Gerold <fsk141_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 23:22:44 -0800

I can't seem to display my battery and the date at the same time, and
need help. I commented out the date command that I want since it doesn't
work. I tried echo, ". '. `, and none of them worked? I think that
something is wrong with my syntax. If you know whats wrong I would love
to hear it.
Thanks, Jonny

Here is my .xinitrc:

xscreensaver -no-splash &
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
feh --bg-scale /home/fsk141/dcim/101canon/img_0151.jpg
while true
awk '
$0~/remaining capacity:/ { r=$3 }
$0~/last full capacity:/ { l=$4 }
$0~/charging state:/ { status=$3 }
if ( status!="charged" ) {
if ( status=="charging" ) status="AC"
printf("%00.01f% ",r/l*100);printf status } } '
/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
#date +%A, %B %d | %l:%M %p)
done | dwm
Received on Tue Nov 06 2007 - 08:25:09 UTC

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