Re: [dwm] Assign specific tag to a console based program?

From: Michael Muster <>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 10:21:05 +0100

On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 11:15:38PM -0800, Ning Bao wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there anyway that I can do something in config.h so that can achieve the
> following?
> Recognize a console based program, such as "vim" or "emacs" and assign a
> specific tag (for an example, "editor") for these programs?
> The window title cannot differentiate console based programs, but how can I
> do this?
> Many thanks!

I have done something similar:
In my .xinitrc i have:

uxterm -T mutt -e mutt &
uxterm -T calcurse -e calcurse &
uxterm -T cmus -e cmus &

and in config.h you
can "sort" the program to the tag you want:

{ "xterm:*mutt", "E-Mail", False },
{ "xterm:*cmus", "Musik", False },
{ "xterm:*calcurse", "Kalender", False },

So everytime you start for example mutt, it is started on tag "E-Mail".

Received on Sun Dec 02 2007 - 10:20:32 UTC

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