On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 01:49:27AM +0100, Engin Tola wrote:
> comments are welcome.
I've bound next_client and prev_client to Shift-j and Shift-k respectively,
and I think this functionality integrates quite nicely with dwm. It saves a
keystroke zooming in the last client in the stack. :)
I think I've found a bug though:
If I have three clients a,b, and c
| | b |
| | |
| a +---+
| | c |
| | |
and then bring c to the master area by calling prev_client
| | a |
| | |
| c +---+
| | b |
| | |
most of the time a and c both will have their border colored SELBORDERCOLOR.
Felix Leckow
Received on Sun Dec 09 2007 - 11:45:27 UTC
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