Yay :) awesome source :)
It works fine for me. The gzip/bzip support is useless so you can pipe't
with zcat/bzcat, the only thing i miss is the 'c' flag :)
I usually like to untar with verbose mode which (theorically) would be
the same than specifying -t and -x (list contents and extract).
If you want to add compatibility with standard tar or pax you should
add -v -z and -j...but srsly..these flags looks like a joke to me, but
sometimes is useful for comodity.
- v : verbose.. why if we have -t ? .. maybe we should rename t as v?
- z : gzip ( !"gzip"~=/^z/ )
- j : bzip2 ( !"bzip2"~=/j/ )
About security...i must say that it will need some file creation checks.
- It doesn't stops or warns if a mknod/chown fails
- does not checks for crosspath filenames like ../../../etc/passwd
- does not checks for headers or invalid data
- can cause the creation of wrong filenames (binary stuff)
PD: Can you add RSS to your blog? :)
PD2: This program makes me think about a future suckless-like OS
On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 05:09:43PM +0100, Enno Gottox Boland wrote:
> Hi!
> I wrote a very small tarball extractor: (73sloc).
> tar.gz:
> http://s01.de/~gottox/files/sltar/sltar-0.2.1.tar.gz
> Mercurial:
> http://s01.de/~gottox/hg/sltar
> Project page:
> http://s01.de/~gottox/index.cgi/proj_sltar
> Please notice that sltar can only extract and list contents of an
> uncompressed tarball.
> It's very minimalistic, but it works very well :)
> Please report any bugs.
> regards
> Gottox
> --
> http://www.gnuffy.org - Real Community Distro
> http://www.gnuffy.org/index.php/GnuEm - Gnuffy on Ipaq (Codename Peggy)
Received on Wed Dec 19 2007 - 18:00:14 UTC
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