Re: [dwm] java 7 and dwm

From: Albert Cardona <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:36:13 -0800

> FYI: I just downloaded and early binary release of JDK 7 and it looks
> like the new Java version behaves properly with dwm (using 'standard'
> dwm-4.7). I tried using some Gui apps that gave me the infamous grey
> windows with Java6 (or Java5 without setting AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit) and
> so far no problems occured.

You are totally right: so far, none of the GUI problems I've been
running into exist in the latest jdk1.7.0-ea.
No need to use the MToolkit anymore.


Albert Cardona
Received on Thu Dec 27 2007 - 22:35:46 UTC

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