On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 01:47:16PM +0100, Szabolcs Nagy wrote:
> On 3/5/08, Joerg van den Hoff <j.van_den_hoff_AT_fzd.de> wrote:
> > but that was not my point. sorry, if I have not been clear
> > enough: I really mean the old 'mod1-m' functionality in the
> > tiled layout: toggle maximization status of the focused
> > window. this is still desirable, despite availability of
> > "monocle", I'd say: maximize a _single_ window, do something
> > and shrink it back to its position in the tiling. it depends
> > on circumstances whether this is more (or less) suitable
> > than "monocle". I personally think a "maximize window"
> > option should always be available in addition to "maximize
> > all" (a.k.a. monocle).
> can you please describe a common scenario when the two is different?
> (eg if you only want a quick maximize+revert then it can be achieved
> by toggling layout between monocle and tile)
Another possibility is, use some tag as max tag, e.g. 5, then
toggletag(tags[4]) and do view(tags[4]) for a temporarily
maximised window, viewprev() can be used now as
The decision to remove togglemax is related to the fact, that
there should only be one way to achieve a certain functionality.
And togglemax is a special case of using tagging in a powerful
I see your point that monocle does not solve the issue at all.
Btw. I plan to introduce 3 additional key bindings:
Mod1-f (Apply floating layout)
Mod1-m (Apply monocle layout)
Mod1-t (Apply tiled layout)
Kind regards,
-- Anselm R. Garbe >< http://www.suckless.org/ >< GPG key: 0D73F361Received on Wed Mar 05 2008 - 14:18:25 UTC
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