Re: [dwm] dwm-4.8 / dmenu-3.5 / slock-0.8

From: Szabolcs Nagy <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:04:00 +0100

On 3/14/08, Ralph E. Carter <> wrote:
> Now I hope someone updates bottomstack for 4.8. Ideally, I want to cycle:
> vertical/horizontal/monocle.

you don't need patch for that anymore, just edit config.h
use a setgeom like

bottomstackgeoms(void) {
        /* screen dimensions */
        sx = 0;
        sy = 0;
        sw = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen);
        sh = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen);

        /* bar position */
        bx = sx;
        by = sy;
        bw = sw;
        bh = dc.font.height + 2;

        /* window area */
        wx = sx;
        wy = sy + bh;
        ww = sw;
        wh = sh - bh;

        /* master area */
        mx = wx;
        my = wy;
        mw = ww;
        mh = 0.6 * wh;

        /* tile area */
        tx = mx;
        ty = my + mh;
        tw = ww;
        th = wh - mh;

        /* monocle area */
        mox = wx;
        moy = wy;
        mow = ww;
        moh = wh;

with tileh (or tilev)
Received on Fri Mar 14 2008 - 07:04:03 UTC

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