Re: [dwm] move/resize keyboard control

From: Donald Chai <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 04:30:01 -0700

On Sep 26, 2008, at 12:00 AM, Claudio wrote:

> Your version of the function works properly, it's better to use
> array of integers, indeed, and the focus is now "under control".
> Though i don't want to toggle the window floating automatically and
> i prefer to check for arg and arg->v before to use it.


> I still use "moveresize" since it's a wrapper for the resize()
> function not strictly related to the keyboard. Isn't?
> THX for your help, dwm is going to be "perfect" for me.

I concur, and would go as far as to suggest that maybe:
        1) if the window is not floating, move it around the clients list or
update mfact, and
        2) this all get unified with movemouse and resizemouse.

awesomewm (and my dwm) move windows within the clients list instead
of turning on 'floating', and I very much prefer it that way.
Received on Fri Sep 26 2008 - 11:30:01 UTC

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