Re: [dwm] Getting a List of Installed Applications in System

From: Damjan Vrencur <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 19:42:35 +0200

On Friday 24 of October 2008 17:28:03 Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I recently introduced my friend to DWM. He was using KDE before that.
> He was very happy and surprised about the speed of DWM. Now, the
> question he had was is there some sort of application menu that lists
> all the installed apps? Like the kicker for KDE or its similar
> GNOME/Fluxbox counterpart?
> I did not have an answer for him...I did a search on aptitude but the
> only thing I found was the debian 'menu' package but I am not sure how
> to use that.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Amit

In my repository it is still present a debdmenu script, which uses debian menu
system with dmenu. I wrote it quite a time ago and I'm not using it. I have
even forgoten that it exists but your mail reminded me. :-)

Feel free to use and improve it. Here is how to get it:
To use our repository, add following lines to the end of
the /etc/apt/sources.list file

# LMMRI repository
deb yodude main contrib non-free
deb-src yodude main contrib non-free
Here is the public key for this repository:
Then just apt-get install debdmenu


 Damjan Vrenčur | | GPG key: C6A3146F
Received on Fri Oct 24 2008 - 17:42:35 UTC

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