Re: [dwm] [DVTM] Mod-key just CTRL (not ^G)

From: Marc Andre Tanner <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 22:18:33 +0100


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 08:48:54PM +0100, Pieter Verberne wrote:
> Hi list,
> is it possilble to use just the mod-key CTRL in DVTM? ^G is pretty
> annoying.

Well you could change your key bindings in config.h to something like

 { 0, CTRL('c'), { create, { NULL } } },

But this has two major disadvantages you may block things like CTRL-c
which is normally used to kill processes and you have to make sure
that you don't use other commonly used keys like enter. For example
CTRL('j') expands to 'j' & 0x1F which is 10 and because this is the
value of '\n' pressing enter will no longer have the desired effect.

> Thanks for you work DWM & DVTM hackers.

No problem.

> Pieter Verberne (offlist)

Does the offlist mean you wan't to be CCed or what?


 Marc Andre Tanner >< >< GPG key: CF7D56C0
Received on Thu Oct 30 2008 - 21:18:33 UTC

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