Re: [dwm] dwm for win32 - bug.n

From: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:22:37 +0100

Am Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:37:07 +0200
schrieb "Maxim Vuets" <>:

Thank you for trying bug.n. It is always helpful, since most problems
do not appear in my working environment.
> Interesting solution. Just three things I have faced with:
> 1. Title bars are hidden, so it is not easy to distinguish
> which window is active.

Hiding the title bars is intended. bug.n displays the title of the
active window in the bar, but leaves drawing the border to Windows. I
am using Windows Vista without Aero and a theme, where the border of
the active window has a different color, thus achieving the same
effects as dwm.

> 2. ModKey+Enter moves a window from stack to master,
> but not vice versa.

Ah, yes, I was not aware of this feature. I will see and try to
implement it, if I can match it with the data structure.

> 3. VisualStudio 2003 (my main app under windows) makes
> some gap. Looks like bug.n sees two windows when in fact
> there is only one. ModKey+Shift+d:

I do not know if can find a general solution for this; it is not yet
obvious for me, what causes this problem (parent - child? window
owner? ...).
But one way to deal with the problem could be to write the class
'IDEOwner' to the 'rules' list in 'config.ahk' setting it to
'floating', which will lead bug.n to exclude those windows from tiling.


Kind regards, joten
Received on Thu Nov 20 2008 - 12:22:37 UTC

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