[dwm] slock dialog behavior

From: list subscriber <mlists.acct_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 10:37:32 -0600

It seems as though some variation of a previous dialog bug (
http://lists.suckless.org/dwm/0711/4361.html) still exists. I was able to
reproduce the behavior with dwm and twm. In the first case I am able to
regain control to the window manager, but in the second case X must be

> cat t.sh

firefox &
sleep 3
kill -9 $PID

# 1. slock drops back to wm and all windows are visible until an input event
# (key press/mouse event) in which case it blanks again and it behaves as
# normal
slock &
firefox &

# 2. just flashes to wm on an input event but doesn't allow entering
# Warning! I was unable to unlock the display and had to restart X
while :; do
    [[ `xlsclients | grep firefox` ]] && slock

Received on Sat Nov 29 2008 - 16:37:32 UTC

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