On further testing, it appeared that the xclip itself cannot handle
utf8. On replacing xclip with xsel, it now works without problem. What
problem did you encounter in using xsel?
I prefer \034 to \266 as delimiter, since the later is a 2 byte
sequence in utf8 encoding. I'm not sure if tr can handle that. Why
choose \034? Because awk uses it.
on ubuntu, sh is not bash; it is the old sh.
#! /bin/bash
# dclip-1.0 || Delta 30dic08
if [ "$1" == "copy" ]; then
sel_clip=$(xsel -o)
sel_file=$(echo -n "$sel_clip"|tr '\n' '\034')
touch $file
if [ "$1" == "paste" ]; then
sel_file=$(cat $file | dmenu ${1+"$@"})
sel_clip=$(echo -n "$sel_file"|tr '\034' '\n')
[ "$sel_clip" == "" ] && exit 1
sed "/^$sel_file$/d" -i $file
cut=$(head -n $(($size-1)) $file)
echo "$sel_file" > $file
echo -n "$cut" >> $file
echo -n "$sel_clip" | xsel -p -i
echo -n "$sel_clip" | xsel -b -i
exit 0
-- regards, ==================================================== GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24 gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3 唐詩232 孟浩然 春曉 春眠不覺曉 處處聞啼鳥 夜來風雨聲 花落知多少Received on Wed Dec 31 2008 - 06:18:30 UTC
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