Re: [dwm] [ANNOUNCE] dvtm-0.5

From: bill lam <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:54:44 +0800

On Thu, 29 Jan 2009, Donald Chai wrote:
> You can replace that line with:
> ESCDELAY = esc_delay;


I found 2 further issues
1. on my ubuntu, $TERM is xterm (actually it is 256 color), but dvtm
   cannot detect it and makes it a 8 (or 16?) color rxvt.
2. if start dvtm from dmenu typing "xterm -e dvtm" there is always an
   extra ^Z placed in ttyin so that when I start to type any
   character, the ^Z appear and I have to delete it,
   However if I start dvtm from xterm, it is OK.

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Received on Fri Jan 30 2009 - 04:54:44 UTC

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