Re: [dwm] Suckess Code Management

From: markus schnalke <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 11:03:40 +0100

[2009-03-12 10:14] Stefan Kuttler <>
> Texteditor = ed

You really do all your editing with `ed'?

If so, then I have great respect!

Modifying small files like `.hgignore' with `ed' is no problem, but I
could not manage to be efficient and productive when working in larger
files like `dwm.c' or latex sources.

I'd like to hear your experiences. (In a separate thread.)


The software I use:

window manager = dwm-meillo
file manager = the shell

editor = vim
code search = grep, /
debugger = my brain
VCS = hg

calendar = on paper
mail = mutt
chat = I don't chat
music = cplay

Received on Thu Mar 12 2009 - 10:03:40 UTC

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