[dwm] minimalist bug tracker

From: pancake <pancake_AT_youterm.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 09:36:28 +0000

Just thinking about the bug tracker tip for the GSoC..

A friend of me wrote a minimalist bug tracker for commandline called 'bug'.


And some time later i just wrote a simple frontend in php:

  http://radare.org/tabs/bugs.php.txt (550LOC)

Few weeks ago another colegue which is developing a simple and secure
language for writing web pages and console applications by using templates
called 'mcms' wrote a port of the bug+bugs.php.txt in his own language in
about 320LOC. Here's the example and the source:


Hope it helps to somebody :)

BTW I end up always using a single TODO and BUGS files O:)

Received on Fri Mar 13 2009 - 09:36:28 UTC

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