Re: [dwm] Gemini Terminal manager for gnome

From: pancake <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:30:13 +0100

Hey thij! Congratulations for the 'public release' ;)

I find gemini a quite interesting approach for non-tiled environments
like OSX/W32 where you at the end dont want to use anything more
than terminals.

Vala+VTE+gee+WAF are funny dependencies that makes the code
funnier to read, but definitively the result is not that minimal, but
at least is nice to read. And if somebody plans to do it in a minimalistic
way supporting xwindow embedding inside he will have a good test
base to play with thanks to gemini.

About the keybindings i would make some changes:

meta+shift+{h,l} => remove shift (like in dwm)
meta+m => meta+b (like in dwm)
meta+{+,-} => change font size

The use of ^-[0-9] to move a terminal from one tag to another looks
strange to me, because im most close to the dwm default keybindings,
but looks shorter. i just need some time to accomodate ;)

BTW im actually using gemini as my default terminal inside dwm, and
works like a charm, the funny thing of vte is that properly stores
all the buffer of the terminal and there's no problems for resizing and
lose contents.

Another nice feature i would like to see is the possibility to change the
background color of a vte instance with a keystroke. this way i can
'mark' my terminals as for different tasks and i can find them faster
if i have multiple of them mixed between tags.

I also miss a contextual menu to use the gnome's clipboard and probably
any other minimal option.


Thijs Vermeir wrote:
> Hello all,
> I did like to announce a project of mine, gemini terminal manager.
> It's a terminal
> manager for gnome heavily inspired by DWM window manager. (or at least
> the behavior of it)
> I started creating this because currently there is no alternative for
> a tiled terminal manager
> in gnome/kde/... and sometimes you need to run another window/desktop
> manager for work or pleasure. Ok, there are some other terminal
> programs like terminator that try todo something but I fail to use
> them without the mouse, so they don't increase the speed of my
> workflow in gnome.
> It supports the main features from DWM like tiles, tags and layouts.
> So you can have a terminal on multiple tags, switch layouts,...all
> without using the mouse.
> The bad part for suckless people, it's build with recent higher-level
> technologies like waf, vala and vte. So it's not small and
> minimalistic in the core, but that is also not my intension (and
> probably does not make much sense if you need to run gnome), and it's
> not finished yet. (you have to configure key bindings in the source
> code). But I guess that last one can't be the problem ;-)
> But It improves already my workflow when I'm inside a
> gnome-environment, so it's usable already.
> All feedback bad or good is welcome off course.
> Gr,
> Thijs
Received on Wed Mar 18 2009 - 11:30:13 UTC

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