I have tried moving around the windows with MOD+left mouse click, to see if
any windows were hidden. Only the single terminal and Firefox was open. I
also tried MOD+k for the sake of trying, but to no avail. I haven't put
anything in config.h about Firefox or Iceweasel (I left it at default), so
maybe I'll need to do something about that.
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 5:57 AM, bill lam <cbill.lam_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Jeremy Cartel wrote:
> > I'm currently using the latest stable version of Mozilla Firefox.
> However,
> > whenever I click on a button that requires browsing files, such as
> uploading
> > photos from my computer on an image hosting site, or in the Firefox
> > Preferences of where I choose to save my downloads, I have to click on
> > 'Browse' but the current window I have to click 'Browse' on just freezes
> and
> > no other windows come up. I can still move the window, but I can't click
> on
> > anything on it. I can still use the main Firefox window, though (the one
> > that's up before I go into the Preferences) or any other Firefox window
> > that's open. The only way to make the "frozen" window go away is to kill
> the
> > Firefox process. I'm using dwm 4.7-3 and GTK 2.12.11-4 (this is what
> Debian
> > reports as the versions I'm using. I obtained using apt-get install)
> I suspect that the popup window is placed behind the main window. Try
> repeated modkey+k to bring that window to the front. The firefox in
> debian was re-branded to iceweasel (classname 'Iceweasel'), so it may
> need to change config.h and recompile dwm again to make firefox
> floating.
> --
> regards,
> ====================================================
> GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
> gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3
> 唐詩249 賈島 尋隱者不遇
> 松下問童子 言師採藥去 只在此山中 雲深不知處
Received on Fri Mar 27 2009 - 15:55:47 UTC
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