On Fri 15 May 2009 at 16:08:07 PDT pancake wrote:
> On May 15, 2009, at 10:56 PM, Preben Randhol <randhol_AT_pvv.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 May 2009 15:42:24 +0200
>> pancake <pancake_AT_youterm.com> wrote:
>>> I really miss the conceptual experimentation that dwm was in the
>>> past. But I agree that
>>> we should probably focus on other topics like 'st' or a full OS based
>>> on minimalist software
>>> (based on Linux without GNU craps) ...
>> Please, make a C, C++ etc.. compiler then.
> Tinycc is live again. You should check it.
And last I heard, the work to update pcc is still underway.
Another candidate to replace gcc is llvm/clang.
>>> What do you think about creating an offtopic mailing list in suckless
>>> for discussing such
>>> kind of topics, instead of using the dwm@ one like nowadays happen.
>> I like that the list is open to somewhat off topic discussions.
>> Sometimes they lead to a less suckless life for people in that they
>> solve problems for people :-)
> Yep me too :)
> Btw what about a minimal mua?
> Would be nice to build a database of minimal software and try to
> classify it and comment about it. This way we can get a list of the
> things 'we' have, and the ones missing.
> The wiki can be a good place, but maybe we should think on a new page
> ??.suckless.org
I'd also like to see a more detailed and precise statement of what
counts as minimal or suckless software. SLOC doesn't seem to say
everything that needs to be said. Is it only the code or executable
size, or is also a requirement for spartan elegance in the user
interface? Can we describe what we mean by that kind of elegance?
Received on Sat May 16 2009 - 04:26:07 UTC
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