[hackers] [wmii] Actually add the file with the new parsing code.

From: Kris Maglione <jg_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:10:23 -0000

changeset: 2128:71f637937524
user: Kris Maglione <jg_AT_suckless.org>
date: Tue Apr 24 04:34:14 2007 -0400
summary: Actually add the file with the new parsing code.

diff -r 14dd324d1b60 -r 71f637937524 cmd/Makefile
--- a/cmd/Makefile Tue Apr 24 01:41:41 2007 -0400
+++ b/cmd/Makefile Tue Apr 24 04:34:14 2007 -0400
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FILTER = sed "s|CONFPREFIX|${ETC}|g; \
               s|P9PATHS|${P9PATHS}|g; \
 include ${ROOT}/mk/many.mk
 include ${ROOT}/mk/dir.mk
diff -r 14dd324d1b60 -r 71f637937524 cmd/wmii/Makefile
--- a/cmd/wmii/Makefile Tue Apr 24 01:41:41 2007 -0400
+++ b/cmd/wmii/Makefile Tue Apr 24 04:34:14 2007 -0400
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ HFILES= dat.h fns.h utf.h x11.h
 HFILES= dat.h fns.h utf.h x11.h
-EXLDFLAGS = -lm ${LIBX11} -lXext ${LIBICONV}
+LDFLAGS += -lm ${LIBX11} -lXext ${LIBICONV}
 OBJ = area \
         bar \
         client \
@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ OBJ = area \
 include ${ROOT}/mk/one.mk
diff -r 14dd324d1b60 -r 71f637937524 cmd/wmii/message.c
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cmd/wmii/message.c Tue Apr 24 04:34:14 2007 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+/* Copyright ©2006-2007 Kris Maglione <fbsdaemon_AT_gmail.com>
+ * See LICENSE file for license details.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <util.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+/* Edit ,y/^[a-zA-Z].*\n.* {\n/d
+ * Edit s/^([a-zA-Z].*)\n(.*) {\n/\1 \2;\n/
+ * Edit ,x/^static.*\n/d
+ */
+#define strecmp(str, const) (strncmp((str), (const), sizeof(const)-1))
+static char Ebadcmd[] = "bad command",
+ Ebadvalue[] = "bad value";
+static void
+eatrunes(Message *m, int (*p)(Rune), int val) {
+ Rune r;
+ int n;
+ while(m->pos < m->end) {
+ n = chartorune(&r, m->pos);
+ if(p(r) != val)
+ break;
+ m->pos += n;
+ }
+char *
+getword(Message *m) {
+ char *ret;
+ Rune r;
+ int n;
+ eatrunes(m, isspacerune, 1);
+ ret = m->pos;
+ eatrunes(m, isspacerune, 0);
+ n = chartorune(&r, m->pos);
+ *m->pos = '\0';
+ m->pos += n;
+ eatrunes(m, isspacerune, 1);
+ return ret;
+static int
+getbase(char **s) {
+ if(!strecmp(*s, "0x")) {
+ *s += 2;
+ return 16;
+ }
+ if(strecmp(*s, "0")) {
+ *s += 1;
+ return 8;
+ }
+ return 10;
+static int
+getlong(char *s, long *ret) {
+ char *end, *rend;
+ int base;
+ end = s+strlen(s);
+ base = getbase(&s);
+ *ret = strtol(s, &rend, base);
+ return (end == rend);
+static int
+getulong(char *s, ulong *ret) {
+ char *end, *rend;
+ int base;
+ end = s+strlen(s);
+ base = getbase(&s);
+ *ret = strtoul(s, &rend, base);
+ return (end == rend);
+static Client *
+strclient(View *v, char *s) {
+ ulong id;
+ if(!strcmp(s, "sel"))
+ return view_selclient(v);
+ if(getulong(s, &id))
+ return win2client(id);
+ return nil;
+Area *
+strarea(View *v, char *s) {
+ Area *a;
+ long i;
+ if(!strcmp(s, "sel"))
+ return v->sel;
+ if(!strcmp(s, "~"))
+ return v->area;
+ if(!getlong(s, &i) || i == 0)
+ return nil;
+ if(i > 0) {
+ for(a = v->area; a; a = a->next)
+ if(i-- == 0) break;
+ }
+ else {
+ for(a = v->area; a->next; a = a->next)
+ ;
+ for(; a != v->area; a = a->prev)
+ if(++i == 0) break;
+ if(a == v->area)
+ a = nil;
+ }
+ return a;
+char *
+message_view(View *v, Message *m) {
+ Client *c;
+ Frame *f;
+ Area *a;
+ char *s;
+ int i;
+ Bool swap;
+ s = getword(m);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "send")) {
+ swap = False;
+ goto send;
+ }
+ if(!strcmp(s, "swap")) {
+ swap = True;
+ goto send;
+ }
+ if(!strcmp(s, "select"))
+ return select_area(v->sel, m);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "colmode")) {
+ s = getword(m);
+ if((a = strarea(v, s)) == nil || a->floating)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ if((i = str2colmode(s)) == -1)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ a->mode = i;
+ arrange_column(a, True);
+ restack_view(v);
+ if(v == screen->sel)
+ focus_view(screen, v);
+ draw_frames();
+ return nil;
+ }
+ return Ebadcmd;
+ s = getword(m);
+ if(!(c = strclient(v, s)))
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ if(!(f = view_clientframe(v, c)))
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ return send_client(f, m, swap);
+char *
+parse_colors(Message *m, CTuple *col) {
+ static regex_t reg;
+ static Bool compiled;
+ char c;
+ if(!compiled) {
+ compiled = 1;
+ regcomp(&reg, "^#[0-9a-f]{6} #[0-9a-f]{6} #[0-9a-f]{6}([[:space:]]|$)",
+ }
+ if(m->pos + 23 > m->end || regexec(&reg, m->pos, 0, 0, 0))
+ return "bad value";
+ c = m->pos[23];
+ m->pos[23] = '\0';
+ loadcolor(col, m->pos);
+ m->pos[23] = c;
+ m->pos += 23;
+ eatrunes(m, isspacerune, 1);
+ return nil;
+char *
+message_root(void *p, Message *m) {
+ Font *fn;
+ char *s;
+ ulong n;
+ s = getword(m);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "quit"))
+ srv.running = 0;
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "exec")) {
+ execstr = emalloc(strlen(m->pos) + sizeof("exec "));
+ sprintf(execstr, "exec %s", m->pos);
+ srv.running = 0;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s,"view"))
+ select_view(m->pos);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "selcolors")) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: selcolors have been removed\n", argv0);
+ return Ebadcmd;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "focuscolors"))
+ return parse_colors(m, &def.focuscolor);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "normcolors"))
+ return parse_colors(m, &def.normcolor);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "font")) {
+ fn = loadfont(m->pos);
+ if(fn) {
+ freefont(def.font);
+ def.font = fn;
+ resize_bar(screen);
+ }else
+ return "can't load font";
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "border")) {
+ if(!getulong(getword(m), &n))
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ def.border = n;
+ /* XXX: Apply the change */
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "grabmod")) {
+ s = getword(m);
+ n = mod_key_of_str(s);
+ if(!(n & (Mod1Mask|Mod2Mask|Mod3Mask|Mod4Mask|Mod5Mask)))
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ strncpy(def.grabmod, s, sizeof(def.grabmod));
+ def.mod = n;
+ }
+ else
+ return Ebadcmd;
+ return nil;
+char *
+read_root_ctl() {
+ uint i = 0;
+ i += snprintf(&buffer[i], (sizeof(buffer) - i), "view %s\n", screen->sel->name);
+ i += snprintf(&buffer[i], (sizeof(buffer) - i), "focuscolors %s\n", def.focuscolor.colstr);
+ i += snprintf(&buffer[i], (sizeof(buffer) - i), "normcolors %s\n", def.normcolor.colstr);
+ i += snprintf(&buffer[i], (sizeof(buffer) - i), "font %s\n", def.font->name);
+ i += snprintf(&buffer[i], (sizeof(buffer) - i), "grabmod %s\n", def.grabmod);
+ i += snprintf(&buffer[i], (sizeof(buffer) - i), "border %d\n", def.border);
+ return buffer;
+char *
+message_client(Client *c, Message *m) {
+ char *s;
+ s = getword(m);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "kill"))
+ kill_client(c);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "Urgent"))
+ set_urgent(c, True, True);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "NotUrgent"))
+ set_urgent(c, False, True);
+ else
+ return Ebadcmd;
+ return nil;
+char *
+send_client(Frame *f, Message *m, Bool swap) {
+ Area *to, *a;
+ Client *c;
+ Frame *tf;
+ View *v;
+ char *s;
+ ulong i;
+ a = f->area;
+ v = a->view;
+ c = f->client;
+ s = getword(m);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "toggle")) {
+ if(!a->floating)
+ to = v->area;
+ else if(c->revert && !c->revert->floating)
+ to = c->revert;
+ else
+ to = v->area->next;
+ goto send_area;
+ }else if(!a->floating) {
+ if(!strcmp(s, "left")) {
+ if(a->floating)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ for(to=v->area->next; to; to=to->next)
+ if(a == to->next) break;
+ if(!to && !swap && (f->anext || f != a->frame))
+ to=new_column(v, v->area, 0);
+ goto send_area;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "right")) {
+ if(a->floating)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ to = a->next;
+ if(!to && !swap && (f->anext || f != a->frame))
+ to = new_column(v, a, 0);
+ goto send_area;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "up")) {
+ tf = f->aprev;
+ if(!tf)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ tf = tf->aprev;
+ goto send_frame;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "down")) {
+ tf = f->anext;
+ if(!tf)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ goto send_frame;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!getulong(s, &i) || i == 0)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ for(to=v->area; to; to=to->next)
+ if(!i--) break;
+ goto send_area;
+ }
+ }
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ if(!swap) {
+ remove_frame(f);
+ insert_frame(tf, f);
+ }else {
+ if(!tf)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ swap_frames(f, tf);
+ }
+ arrange_column(a, False);
+ flushevents(EnterWindowMask, False);
+ focus_frame(f, True);
+ update_views();
+ return nil;
+ if(!to)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ if(!swap)
+ send_to_area(to, f);
+ else if(to->sel)
+ swap_frames(f, to->sel);
+ flushevents(EnterWindowMask, False);
+ focus_frame(f, True);
+ update_views();
+ return nil;
+char *
+select_area(Area *a, Message *m) {
+ Frame *p, *f;
+ Area *ap;
+ View *v;
+ char *s;
+ ulong i;
+ v = a->view;
+ f = a->sel;
+ s = getword(m);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "toggle")) {
+ if(!a->floating)
+ ap = v->area;
+ else if(v->revert && v->revert != a)
+ ap = v->revert;
+ else
+ ap = v->area->next;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "left")) {
+ if(a->floating)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ for(ap=v->area->next; ap->next; ap=ap->next)
+ if(ap->next == a) break;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "right")) {
+ if(a->floating)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ ap = a->next;
+ if(ap == nil)
+ ap = v->area->next;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "up")) {
+ if(!f)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ for(p = f->area->frame; p->anext; p = p->anext)
+ if(p->anext == f) break;
+ goto focus_frame;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "down")) {
+ if(!f)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ p = f->anext;
+ if(p == nil)
+ p = a->frame;
+ goto focus_frame;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "~"))
+ ap = v->area;
+ else {
+ if(!getulong(s, &i) || i == 0)
+ return Ebadvalue;
+ for(ap=v->area->next; ap; ap=ap->next)
+ if(!--i) break;
+ }
+ focus_area(ap);
+ return nil;
+ focus_frame(p, False);
+ frame_to_top(p);
+ if(v == screen->sel)
+ restack_view(v);
+ return nil;
diff -r 14dd324d1b60 -r 71f637937524 config.mk
--- a/config.mk Tue Apr 24 01:41:41 2007 -0400
+++ b/config.mk Tue Apr 24 04:34:14 2007 -0400
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lc
 LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lc
 # Flags
-CFLAGS = -g -Wall
+CFLAGS += -g -O0 -Wall
+LDFLAGS += -g ${LIBS}
 STATIC = -static
 MKDEP = cpp -M
diff -r 14dd324d1b60 -r 71f637937524 mk/hdr.mk
--- a/mk/hdr.mk Tue Apr 24 01:41:41 2007 -0400
+++ b/mk/hdr.mk Tue Apr 24 04:34:14 2007 -0400
@@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ depend: cleandep
 depend: cleandep
 FILTER = cat
-FULLCFLAGS = ${CFLAGS} -I$$(echo ${INCPATH}|sed 's/:/ -I/g') ${EXCFLAGS}
-COMPILE= CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${FULLCFLAGS}" ${ROOT}/util/compile
+COMPILE= CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" ${ROOT}/util/compile
+LINK= LD="${LD}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ${ROOT}/util/link
 include ${ROOT}/config.mk
+CFLAGS += -I$$(echo ${INCPATH}|sed 's/:/ -I/g')
Received on Fri Jun 01 2007 - 03:10:21 UTC

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : Sun Jul 13 2008 - 15:57:06 UTC