Re: [hackers] st - folded line selection by triple click

From: Alexander Rezinsky <>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 08:34:02 -0700


As far as I understand when users sees very long lines which are folded
inside st it is much more intuitive to select the whole line by triple
click. Right now by triple click st selects only visible part of long line.

Probably my patch may be conditional by some variable in config.h file.
Thus we can either keep old behavior for users prefer that or add "triple
click selects whole line" functionality to other users.

Very base use case: when we run long third party makefile it is very
convenient to select whole line from its output in order to paste it to
command line later, probably with some modifications.

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 11:50 PM, Christoph Lohmann <> wrote:
> Greetings.
> In  your  patch you are adding a more difficult indirection that after a
> triple click snap line mode is doing wrap arounds.  Where  is  a  useful
> case  where  you really need this? I already find it difficult enough to
> get into line snap mode but then I want full lines to be snapped.
> Your code adds another mode, which needs to be considered: The user that
> only wants to snap the line and no wrap around at  all.  I  don’t  think
> this can be both handled in the triple click case.
> Sincerely,
> Christoph Lohmann
Received on Sun Apr 28 2013 - 17:34:02 CEST

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