[hackers] [sbase] Prepare POSIX 2013 audit || FRIGN

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 23:54:21 +0100 (CET)

commit 4750b233cedcc599652f0ade4a26a76bc3cf7644
Author: FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Date: Mon Mar 23 16:22:00 2015 +0100

    Prepare POSIX 2013 audit
    I can't believe we've come this far! The idea is to look at the
    2013 POSIX corrigendum for each tool and deep-test features before
    making the first 0.1 release.
    To keep the noise low, I'll do this in batches, not on a per-tool-
    basis (as many of these are trivial to test).
    In the meantime, I'll also think of a fitting STANDARDS section
    for the non-POSIX tools. Now that the audits are pretty much done,
    I can also have a more relaxed view on standards compliance instead
    of having to dig through some uncleaned mess.
    To mark this "new beginning", the README has gotten a liftover.
    The POSIX 2008-column was more or less useless and as I expect the
    checks to go along pretty quickly, I "reset" the compliance state
    of all but the non-POSIX tools and will then go along and check every
    single one of them in the next few days.
    Apart from the few missing flags and audits, sbase should then be
    ready to hit the world with the first release after 4 years of work.

diff --git a/README b/README
index 184f029..8e21362 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
_AT_@ -4,91 +4,94 @@ sbase - suckless unix tools
 sbase is a collection of unix tools that are inherently portable
 across UNIX and UNIX-like systems.
-The following tools are implemented ('*' == finished, '#' == UTF-8 support,
-'=' == implicit UTF-8 support, '|' == audited, () == petty flag):
+The following tools are implemented:
- ------- -------------------- ---------------
-=*| basename yes none
-=*| cal yes none
-=*| cat yes none
-=*| chgrp yes none
-=*| chmod yes none
-=*| chown yes none
-=*| chroot non-posix none
-=*| cksum yes none
-=*| cmp yes none
-#*| cols non-posix none
-#*| col non-posix none
-=*| comm yes none
-=*| cp yes none (-i)
-=*| cron non-posix none
-#*| cut yes none
-=*| date yes none
-=*| dirname yes none
-=*| du yes none
-=*| echo yes none
-=*| env yes none
-#*| expand yes none
-#*| expr yes none
-=*| false yes none
-= find yes none
-#*| fold yes none
-=* grep yes none
-=*| head yes none
-=*| hostname non-posix none
-=*| kill yes none
-=*| link yes none
-=*| ln yes none
-=*| logger yes none
-=*| logname yes none
-#* ls no none (-C, -m, -s, -x)
-=*| md5sum non-posix none
-=*| mkdir yes none
-=*| mkfifo yes none
-=*| mktemp non-posix none
-=*| mv yes none (-i)
-=*| nice yes none
-#*| nl yes none
-=*| nohup yes none
-#*| paste yes none
-=*| printenv non-posix none
-#*| printf yes none
-=*| pwd yes none
-=*| readlink non-posix none
-=*| renice yes none
-=*| rm yes none (-i)
-=*| rmdir yes none
-# sed yes none
-=*| seq non-posix none
-=*| setsid non-posix none
-=*| sha1sum non-posix none
-=*| sha256sum non-posix none
-=*| sha512sum non-posix none
-=*| sleep yes none
- sort no -d, -f, -i
-=*| split yes none
-=*| sponge non-posix none
-#*| strings yes none
-=*| sync non-posix none
-=*| tail yes none
-=*| tar non-posix none
-=*| tee yes none
-=*| test yes none
-=*| time yes none
-=*| touch yes none
-#*| tr yes none
-=*| true yes none
-=*| tty yes none
-=*| uname yes none
-#*| unexpand yes none
-=*| uniq yes none
-=*| unlink yes none
-=*| uudecode yes none
-=*| uuencode yes none
-#*| wc yes none
-=*| xargs no none (-p)
-=*| yes non-posix none
+'#' -> UTF-8 support, '=' -> Implicit UTF-8 support, '*' -> Finished,
+'|' -> Audited, 'o' -> POSIX 2013 compliant, 'x' -> Non-POSIX,
+'()' -> Petty flag
+ ------- -------------
+=*| basename .
+=*| cal .
+=*| cat .
+=*| chgrp .
+=*| chmod .
+=*| chown .
+=*|x chroot .
+=*| cksum .
+=*| cmp .
+#*|x cols .
+#*|x col .
+=*| comm .
+=*| cp (-i)
+=*|x cron .
+#*| cut .
+=*| date .
+=*| dirname .
+=*| du .
+=*| echo .
+=*| env .
+#*| expand .
+#*| expr .
+=*| false .
+= find .
+#*| fold .
+=* grep .
+=*| head .
+=*|x hostname .
+=*| kill .
+=*| link .
+=*| ln .
+=*| logger .
+=*| logname .
+#* ls (-C, -m, -s, -x)
+=*|x md5sum .
+=*| mkdir .
+=*| mkfifo .
+=*|x mktemp .
+=*| mv (-i)
+=*| nice .
+#*| nl .
+=*| nohup .
+#*| paste .
+=*|x printenv .
+#*| printf .
+=*| pwd .
+=*|x readlink .
+=*| renice .
+=*| rm (-i)
+=*| rmdir .
+# sed .
+=*|x seq .
+=*|x setsid .
+=*|x sha1sum .
+=*|x sha256sum .
+=*|x sha512sum .
+=*| sleep .
+ sort -d, -f, -i
+=*| split .
+=*|x sponge .
+#*| strings .
+=*|x sync .
+=*| tail .
+=*|x tar .
+=*| tee .
+=*| test .
+=*| time .
+=*| touch .
+#*| tr .
+=*| true .
+=*| tty .
+=*| uname .
+#*| unexpand .
+=*| uniq .
+=*| unlink .
+=*| uudecode .
+=*| uuencode .
+#*| wc .
+=*| xargs (-p)
+=*|x yes .
 The complement of sbase is ubase[1] which is Linux-specific and
 provides all the non-portable tools. Together they are intended to
Received on Tue Mar 24 2015 - 23:54:21 CET

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