(wrong string) ée

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 00:34:21 +0100 (CET)

commit a035fc10768bf48d096a33d0748e679e5a3e2540
Author: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
AuthorDate: Sat Mar 12 23:07:37 2016 +0100
Commit: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
CommitDate: Sat Mar 12 23:07:37 2016 +0100

    Add possibility to compare against libtommath
    Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5a42f89..19d3e1d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
_AT_@ -82,8 +82,16 @@ test-random.c: test-generate.py
 test: test.c libzahl.a test-random.c
         $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $_AT_ test.c libzahl.a
 benchmark: bench/benchmark.c libzahl.a
         $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $_AT_ $^
+BENCHMARK_libtommath = -ltommath
+benchmark: bench/benchmark.c bench/$(BENCHMARK_LIB).h
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $_AT_ bench/benchmark.c $(BENCHMARK_$(BENCHMARK_LIB))
 check: test
diff --git a/bench/benchmark.c b/bench/benchmark.c
index 7d062a6..7b987e2 100644
--- a/bench/benchmark.c
+++ b/bench/benchmark.c
_AT_@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 #include <time.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include "../zahl.h"
+# include BENCHMARK_LIB
+# include "../zahl.h"
diff --git a/bench/libtommath.h b/bench/libtommath.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c321c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bench/libtommath.h
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#include <tommath.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef mp_int z_t[1];
+static z_t _0, _1, _a, _b;
+static int _tmp;
+static void
+zsetup(jmp_buf env)
+ (void) env;
+ mp_init_set_int(_0, 0);
+ mp_init_set_int(_1, 1);
+ mp_init(_a);
+ mp_init(_b);
+static void
+ mp_clear(_0);
+ mp_clear(_1);
+ mp_clear(_a);
+ mp_clear(_b);
+#define FAST_RANDOM 0
+#define UNIFORM 1
+#define zperror(x) 0
+#define zinit(a) mp_init(a)
+#define zfree(a) mp_clear(a)
+#define zset(r, a) mp_copy(a, r)
+#define zneg(r, a) mp_neg(a, r)
+#define zabs(r, a) mp_abs(a, r)
+#define zadd_unsigned(r, a, b) (mp_abs(a, _a), mp_abs(b, _b), mp_add(_a, _b, r))
+#define zsub_unsigned(r, a, b) (mp_abs(a, _a), mp_abs(b, _b), mp_sub(_a, _b, r))
+#define zadd(r, a, b) mp_add(a, b, r)
+#define zsub(r, a, b) mp_sub(a, b, r)
+#define zand(r, a, b) mp_and(a, b, r)
+#define zor(r, a, b) mp_or(a, b, r)
+#define zxor(r, a, b) mp_xor(a, b, r)
+#define zeven(a) mp_iseven(a)
+#define zodd(a) mp_isodd(a)
+#define zeven_nonzero(a) mp_iseven(a)
+#define zodd_nonzero(a) mp_isodd(a)
+#define zzero(a) mp_iszero(a)
+#define zsignum(a) mp_cmp(a, _0)
+#define zbits(a) mp_count_bits(a)
+#define zlsb(a) mp_cnt_lsb(a)
+#define zswap(a, b) mp_exch(a, b)
+#define zlsh(r, a, b) mp_mul_2d(a, b, r)
+#define zrsh(r, a, b) mp_div_2d(a, b, r, 0)
+#define ztrunc(r, a, b) mp_mod_2d(a, b, r)
+#define zcmpmag(a, b) mp_cmp_mag(a, b)
+#define zcmp(a, b) mp_cmp(a, b)
+#define zcmpi(a, b) (zseti(_b, b), mp_cmp(a, _b))
+#define zcmpu(a, b) (zsetu(_b, b), mp_cmp(a, _b))
+#define zgcd(r, a, b) mp_gcd(a, b, r)
+#define zmul(r, a, b) mp_mul(a, b, r)
+#define zsqr(r, a) mp_sqr(a, r)
+#define zmodmul(r, a, b, m) mp_mulmod(a, b, m, r)
+#define zmodsqr(r, a, m) mp_sqrmod(a, m, r)
+#define zpow(r, a, b) mp_expt_d(a, (mp_digit)mp_get_int(b), r)
+#define zpowu(r, a, b) mp_expt_d(a, b, r)
+#define zmodpow(r, a, b, m) mp_exptmod(a, b, m, r)
+#define zmodpowu(r, a, b, m) (mp_set_int(_b, b), mp_exptmod(a, _b, m, r))
+#define zsets(a, s) mp_read_radix(a, s, 10)
+#define zstr_length(a, b) (mp_radix_size(a, b, &_tmp), _tmp)
+#define zstr(a, s) mp_toradix(a, s, 10)
+#define zptest(w, a, t) (mp_prime_is_prime(a, t, &_tmp), _tmp) /* Note, the witness is not returned. */
+#define zsave(a, s) ((_tmp = ((s) ? mp_signed_bin_size(a) : mp_to_signed_bin(a, s))))
+#define zload(a, s) mp_read_signed_bin(a, s, _tmp)
+#define zdiv(r, a, b) mp_div(a, b, r, 0)
+#define zmod(r, a, b) mp_mod(a, b, r)
+#define zdivmod(q, r, a, b) mp_div(a, b, q, r)
+static void
+zsetu(z_t r, unsigned long long int val)
+ uint32_t high = (uint32_t)(val >> 32);
+ uint32_t low = (uint32_t)val;
+ if (high) {
+ mp_set_int(r, high);
+ mp_set_int(_a, low);
+ mp_lshd(r, 32);
+ zadd(r, r, _a);
+ } else {
+ mp_set_int(r, low);
+ }
+static void
+zseti(z_t r, long long int val)
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ zsetu(r, (unsigned long long int)val);
+ } else {
+ zsetu(r, (unsigned long long int)-val);
+ zneg(r, r);
+ }
+static void
+zsplit(z_t high, z_t low, z_t a, size_t brk)
+ if (low == a) {
+ zrsh(high, a, brk);
+ ztrunc(low, a, brk);
+ } else {
+ ztrunc(low, a, brk);
+ zrsh(high, a, brk);
+ }
+static void
+znot(z_t r, z_t a)
+ mp_2expt(_a, (int)zbits(a));
+ mp_sub_d(_a, 1, _a);
+ zand(r, a, _a);
+ zneg(r, r);
+static int
+zbtest(z_t a, size_t bit)
+ mp_2expt(_b, (int)bit);
+ zand(_b, a, _b);
+ return !zzero(_b);
+static void
+zbset(z_t r, z_t a, size_t bit, int mode)
+ if (mode > 0) {
+ mp_2expt(_b, (int)bit);
+ zor(r, a, _b);
+ } else if (mode < 0 || zbtest(a, bit)) {
+ mp_2expt(_b, (int)bit);
+ zxor(r, a, _b);
+ }
+static void
+zrand(z_t r, int dev, int dist, z_t n)
+ static int gave_up = 0;
+ int bits;
+ (void) dev;
+ if (zzero(n)) {
+ mp_zero(r);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (zsignum(n) < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bits = zbits(n);
+ switch (dist) {
+ mp_rand(r, bits);
+ zadd(r, r, _1);
+ zmul(r, r, n);
+ zrsh(r, r, bits);
+ break;
+ case UNIFORM:
+ if (!gave_up) {
+ gave_up = 1;
+ printf("I'm sorry, this is too difficult, I give up.\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
Received on Sun Mar 13 2016 - 00:34:21 CET

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