[hackers] [ubase][PATCH] Add stty(1)

From: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 18:49:53 +0200

Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
 Makefile |   1 +
 TODO     |   1 +
 stty.c   | 762 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 764 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 stty.c
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 59616a4..dc85510 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
_AT_@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ BIN = \
 	respawn           \
 	rmmod             \
 	stat              \
+	stty              \
 	su                \
 	swaplabel         \
 	swapoff           \
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 3e89e68..3f273b2 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
_AT_@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ rfkill
+stty manpage
diff --git a/stty.c b/stty.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f38256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stty.c
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "util.h"
+ * Petty POSIX violations:
+ * 
+ * -  XBD 12.2 is not honoured precisely. This is for
+ *    convenience and compatibility with other implementations.
+ */
+#define CC_MAX  255
+static int output_size_requested = 0;
+static int output_speed_requested = 0;
+static int drain_requested = 1;
+static void sane(int, struct termios *);
+static void setwinsize(long, long);
+static void ispeed(char *, struct termios *);
+static void ospeed(char *, struct termios *);
+static void
+raw(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	if (!unset) {
+		m->c_iflag = 0;
+		m->c_lflag &= ~XCASE;
+		m->c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+		m->c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+	} else {
+		m->c_iflag |= BRKINT | IGNPAR | ISTRIP | ICRNL | IXON;
+	}
+static void
+evenp(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	m->c_oflag &= ~CSIZE;
+	m->c_oflag &= ~(unset ? PARENB : PARODD);
+	m->c_oflag |= unset ? CS8 : (CS7 | PARENB);
+static void
+dec(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	m->c_cc[VINTR] = CINTR;
+	m->c_cc[VKILL] = CKILL;
+	m->c_cc[VERASE] = CERASE;
+	(void) unset;
+static void
+ek(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	m->c_cc[VKILL] = CKILL;
+	m->c_cc[VERASE] = CERASE;
+	(void) unset;
+static void
+nl(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	if (unset) {
+		m->c_iflag &= ~(INLCR | IGNCR);
+		m->c_oflag &= ~(OCRNL | ONLRET);
+	}
+static void
+oddp(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	m->c_oflag &= ~CSIZE;
+	m->c_oflag &= ~(unset ? PARENB : 0);
+	m->c_oflag |= unset ? CS8 : (CS7 | PARODD | PARENB);
+static void drain(int unset, struct termios *m)  { drain_requested = !unset; (void) m; }
+static void cooked(int unset, struct termios *m) { raw(!unset, m); }
+static void pass8(int unset, struct termios *m)  { m->c_cflag &= ~CSIZE, m->c_cflag |= unset ? CS7 : CS8; }
+static void size(int unset, struct termios *m)   { output_size_requested = 1; (void) m; (void) unset; }
+static void speed(int unset, struct termios *m)  { output_speed_requested = 1; (void) m; (void) unset; }
+static void tabs(int unset, struct termios *m)   { m->c_oflag &= ~TABDLY, m->c_oflag |= unset ? TAB3 : TAB0; }
+static void cols(char *arg, struct termios *m)   { setwinsize(-1, estrtonum(arg, 0, USHRT_MAX)); (void) m; }
+static void line(char *arg, struct termios *m)   { m->c_line = estrtonum(arg, 0, 255); }
+static void min(char *arg, struct termios *m)    { m->c_cc[VMIN] = estrtonum(arg, 0, CC_MAX); }
+static void rows(char *arg, struct termios *m)   { setwinsize(estrtonum(arg, 0, USHRT_MAX), -1); (void) m; }
+static void stime(char *arg, struct termios *m)  { m->c_cc[VTIME] = estrtonum(arg, 0, CC_MAX); }
+enum type { CTRL, IN, OUT, LOCAL, COMB, SPEC };
+enum {
+	BOOL = 1,
+	DUP = 2,
+	SANE = 4,
+	INSANE = 8,
+	CBREAK = 16,
+	DECCTLQ = 32,
+	LCASE = 64,
+	PASS8 = 128,
+	LITOUT = 256,
+	CRT = 1024,
+	DEC = 2048,
+	NL = 4096,
+	COOKED = 8192
+struct mode {
+	const char *op;
+	enum type type;
+	tcflag_t set;
+	tcflag_t clear;
+	void (*fun)(int, struct termios *);
+	int flags;
+struct key {
+	const char *op;
+	size_t index;
+	cc_t sanevalue;
+struct intvalued {
+	const char *op;
+	void (*fun)(char *, struct termios *);
+struct speed {
+	const char *str;
+	speed_t speed;
+static const struct mode modes[] = {
+	{"clocal",   CTRL,  CLOCAL,  0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"cmspar",   CTRL,  CMSPAR,  0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"cread",    CTRL,  CREAD,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"crtscts",  CTRL,  CRTSCTS, 0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"cs5",      CTRL,  CS5,     CSIZE,   0,      0},
+	{"cs6",      CTRL,  CS6,     CSIZE,   0,      0},
+	{"cs7",      CTRL,  CS7,     CSIZE,   0,      0},
+	{"cs8",      CTRL,  CS8,     CSIZE,   0,      0},
+	{"cstopb",   CTRL,  CSTOPB,  0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"hup",      CTRL,  HUPCL,   0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"hupcl",    CTRL,  HUPCL,   0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"parenb",   CTRL,  PARENB,  0,       0,      BOOL | PASS8 | LITOUT},
+	{"parodd",   CTRL,  PARODD,  0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"brkint",   IN,    BRKINT,  0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"icrnl",    IN,    ICRNL,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | NL},
+	{"ignbrk",   IN,    IGNBRK,  0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"igncr",    IN,    IGNCR,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"ignpar",   IN,    IGNPAR,  0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"imaxbel",  IN,    IMAXBEL, 0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"inlcr",    IN,    INLCR,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"inpck",    IN,    INPCK,   0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"istrip",   IN,    ISTRIP,  0,       0,      BOOL | PASS8 | LITOUT},
+	{"iuclc",    IN,    IUCLC,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE | LCASE},
+	{"iutf8",    IN,    IUTF8,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"ixany",    IN,    IXANY,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE | DECCTLQ},
+	{"ixoff",    IN,    IXOFF,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"ixon",     IN,    IXON,    0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"parmrk",   IN,    PARMRK,  0,       0,      BOOL},
+	{"tandem",   IN,    IXOFF,   0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"bs0",      OUT,   BS0,     BSDLY,   0,      SANE},
+	{"bs1",      OUT,   BS1,     BSDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"cr0",      OUT,   CR0,     CRDLY,   0,      SANE},
+	{"cr1",      OUT,   CR1,     CRDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"cr2",      OUT,   CR2,     CRDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"cr3",      OUT,   CR3,     CRDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"ff0",      OUT,   FF0,     FFDLY,   0,      SANE},
+	{"ff1",      OUT,   FF1,     FFDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"nl0",      OUT,   NL0,     NLDLY,   0,      SANE},
+	{"nl1",      OUT,   NL1,     NLDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"ocrnl",    OUT,   OCRNL,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"ofdel",    OUT,   OFDEL,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"ofill",    OUT,   OFILL,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"olcuc",    OUT,   OLCUC,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE | LCASE},
+	{"onlcr",    OUT,   ONLCR,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | NL},
+	{"onlret",   OUT,   ONLRET,  0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"onocr",    OUT,   ONOCR,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"opost",    OUT,   OPOST,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | LITOUT | COOKED},
+	{"tab0",     OUT,   TAB0,    TABDLY,  0,      SANE},
+	{"tab1",     OUT,   TAB1,    TABDLY,  0,      INSANE},
+	{"tab2",     OUT,   TAB2,    TABDLY,  0,      INSANE},
+	{"tab3",     OUT,   TAB3,    TABDLY,  0,      INSANE},
+	{"vt0",      OUT,   VT0,     VTDLY,   0,      SANE},
+	{"vt1",      OUT,   VT1,     VTDLY,   0,      INSANE},
+	{"crterase", LOCAL, ECHOE,   0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"crtkill",  LOCAL, ECHOKE,  0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"ctlecho",  LOCAL, ECHOCTL, 0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"echo",     LOCAL, ECHO,    0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"echoctl",  LOCAL, ECHOCTL, 0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | CRT | DEC},
+	{"echoe",    LOCAL, ECHOE,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | CRT | DEC},
+	{"echok",    LOCAL, ECHOK,   0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"echoke",   LOCAL, ECHOKE,  0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | CRT | DEC},
+	{"echonl",   LOCAL, ECHONL,  0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"echoprt",  LOCAL, ECHOPRT, 0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"extproc",  LOCAL, EXTPROC, 0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"flusho",   LOCAL, FLUSHO,  0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"icanon",   LOCAL, ICANON,  0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | CBREAK | COOKED},
+	{"iexten",   LOCAL, IEXTEN,  0,       0,      BOOL | SANE},
+	{"isig",     LOCAL, ISIG,    0,       0,      BOOL | SANE | COOKED},
+	{"noflsh",   LOCAL, NOFLSH,  0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"prterase", LOCAL, ECHOPRT, 0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"tostop",   LOCAL, TOSTOP,  0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE},
+	{"xcase",    LOCAL, XCASE,   0,       0,      BOOL | INSANE | LCASE},
+	{"cbreak",   COMB,  0,       CBREAK,  0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"cooked",   COMB,  COOKED,  0,       cooked, BOOL | DUP},
+	{"crt",      COMB,  CRT,     0,       0,      DUP},
+	{"dec",      COMB,  DEC,     DECCTLQ, dec,    DUP},
+	{"decctlq",  COMB,  0,       DECCTLQ, 0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"ek",       COMB,  0,       0,       ek,     DUP},
+	{"evenp",    COMB,  0,       0,       evenp,  BOOL | DUP},
+	{"LCASE",    COMB,  LCASE,   0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"lcase",    COMB,  LCASE,   0,       0,      BOOL | DUP},
+	{"litout",   COMB,  0,       LITOUT,  pass8,  BOOL | DUP},
+	{"nl",       COMB,  0,       NL,      nl,     BOOL | DUP},
+	{"oddp",     COMB,  0,       0,       oddp,   BOOL | DUP},
+	{"parity",   COMB,  0,       0,       evenp,  BOOL | DUP},
+	{"pass8",    COMB,  0,       PASS8,   pass8,  BOOL | DUP},
+	{"raw",      COMB,  0,       COOKED,  raw,    BOOL | DUP},
+	{"sane",     COMB,  SANE,    INSANE,  sane,   DUP},
+	{"tabs",     COMB,  0,       0,       tabs,   BOOL | DUP},
+	{"size",     SPEC,  0,       0,       size,   DUP},
+	{"speed",    SPEC,  0,       0,       speed,  DUP},
+	{"drain",    SPEC,  0,       0,       drain,  BOOL | DUP},
+	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+static const struct key keys[] = {
+	{"discard", VDISCARD, CDISCARD},
+	{"eof",     VEOF,     CEOF},
+	{"eol",     VEOL,     CEOL},
+	{"eol2",    VEOL2,    _POSIX_VDISABLE},
+	{"erase",   VERASE,   CERASE},
+	{"intr",    VINTR,    CINTR},
+	{"kill",    VKILL,    CKILL},
+	{"lnext",   VLNEXT,   CLNEXT},
+	{"quit",    VQUIT,    CQUIT},
+	{"rprnt",   VREPRINT, CRPRNT},
+	{"start",   VSTART,   CSTART},
+	{"stop",    VSTOP,    CSTOP},
+	{"susp",    VSUSP,    CSUSP},
+	{"swtch",   VSWTC,    _POSIX_VDISABLE},
+	{"werase",  VWERASE,  CWERASE},
+	{0, 0, 0}
+static const struct intvalued ints[] = {
+	{"cols",    cols},
+	{"columns", cols},
+	{"line",    line},
+	{"min",     min},
+	{"rows",    rows},
+	{"time",    stime},
+	{"ispeed",  ispeed},
+	{"ospeed",  ospeed},
+	{0, 0}
+#define B(baud) {#baud, B##baud}
+static const struct speed speeds[] = {
+	B(0),       B(50),      B(75),      B(110),     B(134),     B(150),     B(200),     B(300),
+        B(600),     B(1200),    B(1800),    B(2400),    B(4800),    B(9600),    B(19200),   B(38400),
+        B(57600),   B(115200),  B(230400),  B(460800),  B(500000),  B(576000),  B(921600),  B(1000000),
+        B(1152000), B(1500000), B(2000000), B(2500000), B(3000000), B(3500000), B(4000000),
+	{"134.5", B134},
+	{"exta",  B19200},
+	{"extb",  B38400},
+	{0, 0}
+#undef B
+static void
+sane(int unset, struct termios *m)
+	const struct key *op = keys;
+	for (; op->op; op++)
+		m->c_cc[op->index] = op->sanevalue;
+	m->c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+	m->c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+	(void) unset;
+static int
+isxnumber(char* str)
+	if (!*str)
+		return 0;
+	for (; *str; str++)
+		if (!isxdigit(*str))
+			return 0;
+	return 1;
+static void
+decodehex(char *dest, char* src)
+	while (*src) {
+		char hi = *src++;
+		char lo = *src++;
+		hi = (hi & 15) + 9 * !isdigit(hi);
+		lo = (lo & 15) + 9 * !isdigit(lo);
+		*dest++ = (hi << 4) | lo;
+	}
+static void
+setwinsize(long y, long x)
+	struct winsize winsize;
+	if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize))
+		eprintf("TIOCGWINSZ <stdin>:");
+	if (y >= 0)
+		winsize.ws_row = y;
+	if (x >= 0)
+		winsize.ws_col = x;
+	if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCSWINSZ, &winsize))
+		eprintf("TIOCSWINSZ <stdin>:");
+static void
+setoperand_mode(int unset, const struct mode *op, struct termios *mode)
+	tcflag_t *bitsp = 0;
+	switch (op->type) {
+	case CTRL:  bitsp = &mode->c_cflag; break;
+	case IN:    bitsp = &mode->c_iflag; break;
+	case OUT:   bitsp = &mode->c_oflag; break;
+	case LOCAL: bitsp = &mode->c_lflag; break;
+	case SPEC:  break;
+	default:    abort();
+	}
+	if (bitsp) {
+		*bitsp &= ~op->clear;
+		if (!unset)
+			*bitsp |= op->set;
+		else
+			*bitsp &= ~op->set;
+	}
+	if (op->fun)
+		op->fun(unset, mode);
+static int
+parseoperand_mode(char *arg, struct termios *mode)
+	const struct mode *op = modes;
+	const struct mode *op_proper;
+	int unset = *arg == '-';
+	int flags_set, flags_unset;
+	arg += unset;
+	while (op->op && strcmp(arg, op->op))
+		op++;
+	if (!op->op)
+		return -1;
+	if (unset && !(op->flags & BOOL))
+		return -1;
+	switch (op->type) {
+        case CTRL:
+        case IN:
+        case OUT:
+        case LOCAL:
+        case SPEC:
+		setoperand_mode(unset, op, mode);
+		return 0;
+        case COMB:
+		break;
+        default:
+		abort();
+	}
+	flags_set = (int)(op->set);
+	flags_unset = (int)(op->clear);
+	op_proper = op;
+	if (flags_unset || flags_set) {
+		for (op = modes; op->op; op++) {
+			if (op->type == COMB)
+				continue;
+			if (flags_unset && (op->flags & flags_unset))
+				setoperand_mode(!unset, op, mode);
+			if (flags_set && (op->flags & flags_set))
+				setoperand_mode(unset, op, mode);
+		}
+	}
+	if (op_proper->fun)
+		op_proper->fun(unset, mode);
+	return 0;
+static long long
+estrtonum_radix(const char *numstr, long long minval, long long maxval, int radix)
+	long long ll = 0;
+	char *ep;
+	errno = 0;
+	ll = strtoll(numstr, &ep, radix);
+	if (numstr == ep || *ep != '\0')
+		eprintf("estrtonum_radix %s: invalid\n", numstr);
+	else if ((ll == LLONG_MIN && errno == ERANGE) || ll < minval)
+		eprintf("estrtonum_radix %s: too small\n", numstr);
+	else if ((ll == LLONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) || ll > maxval)
+		eprintf("estrtonum_radix %s: too large\n", numstr);
+	return ll;
+static int
+parseoperand_key(char *arg0, char *arg1, struct termios *mode)
+	const struct key *op = keys;
+	cc_t value;
+	while (op->op && strcmp(arg0, op->op))
+		op++;
+	if (!op->op)
+		return -1;
+	if (!arg1)
+		eprintf("missing argument for operand: %s\n", arg0);
+	if (!strcmp(arg1, "^-") || !strcmp(arg1, "undef"))
+		value = _POSIX_VDISABLE;
+	else if (!strcmp(arg1, "^?"))
+		value = 127;
+	else if (!arg1[0] || !arg1[1])
+		value = arg1[0];
+	else if (arg1[0] == '^')
+		value = (cc_t)(arg1[1]) & ~0x60;
+	else if (strstr(arg1, "0x") == arg1)
+		value = estrtonum_radix(arg1 + 2, 0, CC_MAX, 16);
+	else if (arg1[0] == '0' && arg1[1])
+		value = estrtonum_radix(arg1 + 1, 0, CC_MAX, 8);
+	else
+		value = estrtonum_radix(arg1 + 0, 0, CC_MAX, 10);
+	mode->c_cc[op->index] = value;
+	return 0;
+static int
+parseoperand_int(char *arg0, char *arg1, struct termios *mode)
+	const struct intvalued *op = ints;
+	while (op->op && strcmp(arg0, op->op))
+		op++;
+	if (!op->op)
+		return -1;
+	if (!arg1)
+		eprintf("missing argument for operand: %s\n", arg0);
+	op->fun(arg1, mode);
+	return 0;
+static const char *
+baudtostr(speed_t baud)
+	const struct speed *speed = speeds;
+	while (speed->str && speed->speed != baud)
+		speed++;
+	return speed->str ? speed->str : "0";
+static int
+parsespeed(char *arg, struct speed *ret)
+	const struct speed *speed = speeds;
+	while (speed->str && strcmp(arg, speed->str))
+		speed++;
+	if (!speed->str)
+		return -1;
+	*ret = *speed;
+	return 0;
+static void
+eparsespeed(char *arg, struct speed *ret)
+	if (parsespeed(arg, ret))
+		eprintf("invalid speed parameter: %s\n", arg);
+static void
+ispeed(char *arg, struct termios *m)
+	struct speed speed;
+	eparsespeed(arg, &speed);
+	if (cfsetispeed(m, speed.speed))
+		eprintf("cfsetispeed %s:", speed.str);
+static void
+ospeed(char *arg, struct termios *m)
+	struct speed speed;
+	eparsespeed(arg, &speed);
+	if (cfsetospeed(m, speed.speed))
+		eprintf("cfsetospeed %s:", speed.str);
+static void
+printtoken(const char *fmt, ...)
+	static size_t width = 0;
+	static size_t pos = 0;
+	static char buf[BUFSIZ];
+	va_list ap;
+	int len;
+	if (!width) {
+		struct winsize winsize;
+		if (!ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize))
+			if (winsize.ws_col > 40)
+				width = winsize.ws_col;
+		if (!width)
+			width = SIZE_MAX;
+	}
+	if (!strcmp(fmt, "\n")) {
+		if (pos)
+			printf("\n");
+		pos = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	va_start(ap, fmt);
+	len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
+	va_end(ap);
+	if (len < 0 || (size_t)len >= sizeof(buf))
+		eprintf("vsnprintf:");
+	if (pos + !!pos + len > width) {
+		printf("\n");
+		pos = 0;
+	} else if (pos) {
+		printf(" ");
+		pos++;
+	}
+	printf("%s", buf);
+	pos += len;
+static const char*
+keytostr(cc_t key)
+	static char buf[5];
+	int r;
+	if (key == _POSIX_VDISABLE)
+		return "undef";
+	else if (key < (cc_t)' ')
+		r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "^%c", key + '_AT_');
+	else if (key < 127)
+		r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c", key);
+	else if (key == 127)
+		r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "^?");
+	else if (key < 128 + ' ')
+		r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "M-^%c", key - 128 + '_AT_');
+	else if (key == 128 + 127)
+		r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "M-^?");
+	else
+		r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "M-%c", key - 128);
+	if (r < 0 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(buf))
+		eprintf("snprintf:");
+	return buf;
+static void
+displaysettings(struct termios *m, int all)
+	const struct key *kbd = keys;
+	const struct mode *mod = modes;
+	struct winsize winsize;
+	speed_t in, out;
+	tcflag_t *bitsp, mask;
+	in = cfgetispeed(m);
+	out = cfgetospeed(m);
+	if (!in || in == out) {
+		if (all || out != B38400)
+			printtoken("speed %s baud;", baudtostr(out));
+	} else {
+		printtoken("ispeed %s baud;", baudtostr(in));
+		printtoken("ospeed %s baud;", baudtostr(out));
+	}
+	if (all) {
+		if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize))
+			eprintf("TIOCGWINSZ <stdin>:");
+		printtoken("rows %u;", winsize.ws_row);
+		printtoken("columns %u;", winsize.ws_col);
+	}
+	printtoken("\n");
+	if (all || m->c_line != 0)
+		printtoken("line = %u;", (unsigned long)(m->c_line));
+	if (all || (m->c_cc[VMIN] != 1 && !(m->c_lflag & ICANON)))
+		printtoken("min = %u;", (unsigned long)(m->c_cc[VMIN]));
+	if (all || (m->c_cc[VTIME] != 0 && !(m->c_lflag & ICANON)))
+		printtoken("time = %u;", (unsigned long)(m->c_cc[VTIME]));
+	printtoken("\n");
+	for (; kbd->op; kbd++)
+		if (all || m->c_cc[kbd->index] != kbd->sanevalue)
+			printtoken("%s = %s;", kbd->op, keytostr(m->c_cc[kbd->index]));
+	printtoken("\n");
+	for (; mod->op; mod++) {
+		switch (mod->type) {
+	        case CTRL:  bitsp = &m->c_cflag; break;
+        	case IN:    bitsp = &m->c_iflag; break;
+        	case OUT:   bitsp = &m->c_oflag; break;
+        	case LOCAL: bitsp = &m->c_lflag; break;
+        	default:    bitsp = 0;           break;
+		}
+		if (!bitsp || (mod->flags & DUP))
+			continue;
+		mask = mod->clear ? mod->clear : mod->set;
+		if ((*bitsp & mask) == mod->set) {
+			if (all || (mod->flags & INSANE) || !(mod->flags & SANE))
+				printtoken("%s", mod->op);
+		}
+		else if (mod->flags & BOOL) {
+			if (all || (mod->flags & SANE) || !(mod->flags & INSANE))
+				printtoken("-%s", mod->op);
+		}
+	}
+	printtoken("\n");
+static void
+	eprintf("usage: %s [-a | -g] [operand ...]\n", argv0);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	struct termios mode;
+	struct termios mode2;
+	struct winsize winsize;
+	struct speed speed;
+	int aflag = 0;
+	int gflag = 0;
+	size_t n;
+	unsigned char *buf;
+	char *p;
+	speed_t in, out;
+	for (argv0 = *argv++, argc--; argc; argv++, argc--) {
+		if (!strcmp(*argv, "-ag") || !strcmp(*argv, "-ga")) {
+			aflag = gflag = 1;
+		} else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-g")) {
+			gflag = 1;
+		} else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-a")) {
+			aflag = 1;
+		} else if (!strcmp(*argv, "--")) {
+			argv++, argc--;
+			break;
+		} else {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (aflag && gflag)
+		usage();
+	memset(&mode, 0, sizeof(mode));
+	if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &mode))
+		eprintf("tcgetattr <stdin>:");
+	memcpy(&mode2, &mode, sizeof(mode));
+	for (; *argv; argv++) {
+		if (**argv == '=') {
+			p = *argv + 1;
+			if (strlen(p) != sizeof(mode) * 2 || !isxnumber(p))
+				goto invalid;
+			decodehex((char *)&mode, p);
+		} else if (!parseoperand_mode(*argv, &mode)) {
+			/* do nothing. */
+		} else if (!parseoperand_key(argv[0], argv[1], &mode)) {
+			argv++;
+		} else if (!parseoperand_int(argv[0], argv[1], &mode)) {
+			argv++;
+		} else if (!parsespeed(*argv, &speed)) {
+			if (cfsetispeed(&mode, speed.speed))
+				eprintf("cfsetispeed %s:", speed.str);
+			if (cfsetospeed(&mode, speed.speed))
+				eprintf("cfsetospeed %s:", speed.str);
+		} else {
+			goto invalid;
+		}
+	}
+	if (memcmp(&mode, &mode2, sizeof(mode))) {
+		memset(&mode2, 0, sizeof(mode2));
+		if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, drain_requested ? TCSADRAIN : TCSANOW, &mode))
+			eprintf("tcsetattr <stdin>:");
+		if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &mode2))
+			eprintf("tcgetattr <stdin>:");
+		if (memcmp(&mode, &mode2, sizeof(mode)))
+			eprintf("tcsetattr <stdin>: unable to apply all operands\n");
+	}
+	if (gflag) {
+		buf = (unsigned char *)&mode;
+		printf("=");
+		for (n = sizeof(mode); n--; buf++)
+			printf("%02x", *buf);
+		printf("\n");
+	}
+	if (output_size_requested) {
+		if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize))
+			eprintf("TIOCGWINSZ <stdin>:");
+		printf("%u %u\n", winsize.ws_row, winsize.ws_col);
+	}
+	if (output_speed_requested) {
+		in = cfgetispeed(&mode);
+		out = cfgetospeed(&mode);
+		if (!in || in == out)
+			printf("%s\n", baudtostr(out));
+		else
+			printf("%s %s\n", baudtostr(in), baudtostr(out));
+	}
+	if ((aflag || !argc) && !gflag)
+		displaysettings(&mode, aflag);
+	return 0;
+	eprintf("invalid operand: %s\n", *argv);
Received on Mon Mar 28 2016 - 18:49:53 CEST

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