Re: [hackers] Re: [hackers] [dwm][PATCH] Remove window-title from the statusbar

From: Anselm Garbe <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 16:00:20 -0800

Hi there,

On Mon, 25 Feb 2019 at 15:24, Aleksandrs Stier <> wrote:
> I am using the awesome-font icons This means I simply copy and paste them in my config.h. However, additionally you also need to install an appropriate font on your system. I am using the Ubuntu-Mono Nerd Font. If you are using arch you can install it from the AUR. The package-name is nerd-fonts-ubuntu-mono. But you may want to try other fonts from the nerd-fonts collection Of course you need also to define the font in your dwm-config.h as UbuntuMono Nerd Font. I also had similar issues at the beginning. The glyphs were simply to small. I was able to fix it with the Ubuntu Font.
> The white tag-indicator can be patched with However, the patch for dwm-6.1 will fail on 6.2. You will need to manually patch it. But this shouldn't be hard. You may have noticed that yesterday I wrote another mail to where I posted a fixed version of exactly this patch.
> I also have another patch for the statusbar which allows to define the vertical size of the bar and horizontal gaps between the tag-icons Additionally, I also removed the window-title in the statusbar. Oh and it has transparency.
> You can find my configuration in my github-repository and also the fixed version of the tag-patch and also all the other patches which I use.

I recommend you to look for a new email client. Your current one seems
to produce some kind of richtext email, that is almost unreadable for
us laggards. It also produces very bad ml archive results

Thanks for your consideration,
Received on Tue Feb 26 2019 - 01:00:20 CET

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