Re: [hackers] [dwm] [PATCH] add a comment to clarify a potential overflow of ltsymbol

From: Tom Schwindl <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:28:43 +0000

Hi Hiltjo,

> Hi,
> I think it is too verbose and don't think the comment is neccesary.

I can understand the verbosity part, but that's something I can change.
My point here was more that bug reports get posted to the ML and I even
get them in private or from people I know in person. So I think a comment,
as you, yourself suggested, might be helpful.
A simple "Hey, if you're exceeding 16 bytes we cannot guarantee for anything"
would be enough (not in that tone, of course) for me.

Best Regards,
Tom Schwindl
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Hiltjo
Received on Wed Feb 15 2023 - 18:28:43 CET

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