wiki mail list archive by subject
- [wiki] [sites] add that monitor argument patch I've mentioned before to dwm/dmenu patches || mar77i
- [wiki] [sites] Add the netusage helper function for dwmstatus || Silvan Jegen
- [wiki] [sites] added Gordon's donation for the server rent || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] Added original author and fixed wrong file-suffix || Doomicide
- [wiki] [sites] added patch-section and autohide-patch for tabbed || Doomicide
- [wiki] [sites] Added runevery function and diskusage. || Thuban
- [wiki] [sites] Added slock with xautolock usage hint. || Peter A. Shevtsov
- [wiki] [sites] added starchlinux link || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] Addin the mail_counter.c . Sorry for double commit. || Thuban
- [wiki] [sites] Adding a development section to slock. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Adding a dwmgetstatus page and script. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Adding a notice about the newrepo script. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Adding a reference to xautolock alternatives. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Adding updated MQ tutorial with info about hg-git || Lukasz Gruner
- [wiki] [sites] agschaid: added autostart patch || Axel Gschaider
- [wiki] [sites] All fds need to be closed. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Another close to devfd. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] changed name of donor || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] Changed smprintf to use vasprintf. Remove french code. || Thuban
- [wiki] [sites] Changing dwmstatus to some git repository. This makes the maintainership easier. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Cleaning up the rocks list a bit. Python is out of the game. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] find $1 -name "*.png" | while read png; do echo "crushing $png"; pngcrush -brute "$png" temp.png; mv -f temp.png $png; done || Kai Hendry
- [wiki] [sites] Fixing the xautolock syntax. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] HTTP push is now possible. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] markdown email trouble || Doomicide
- [wiki] [sites] Merge branch 'master' of git:// || John
- [wiki] [sites] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' || Krister Svanlund
- [wiki] [sites] new screenshot from hendry || Kai Hendry
- [wiki] [sites] Optimizing the surf logo png file. Thanks! || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] removed github mirror announcement || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] removed man and matemobile || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] removed wmi and wmii from the sites, those projects are not supported and maintained by suckless folks anymore - for wmii I added a redirect to || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] removed wmi announcement || Anselm R Garbe
- [wiki] [sites] Removing the dwmstatus tarballs from the wiki. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Rename xgetidle to xssstate. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Some hg references converted to git. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] Some notices about the philosophy on the sucks page. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] This question has many ways to be asked. || Christoph Lohmann
- [wiki] [sites] updated the selfrestart patch to be more intelligent || Barbu Paul - Gheorghe
- [wiki]
- Last message date: Tue Dec 25 2012 - 22:32:05 CET
- Archived on: Sat Dec 21 2024 - 15:24:57 CET