[wiki] [sites] ported surf-download patch to 0.5 || v4hn

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:07:01 +0100

commit 4770b4f5a4ca97a371821777c0b4e8e822349449
Author: v4hn <me_AT_v4hn.de>
Date: Sun Jan 27 18:06:43 2013 +0100

    ported surf-download patch to 0.5

diff --git a/surf.suckless.org/patches/download.md b/surf.suckless.org/patches/download.md
index e98a39d..98ea058 100644
--- a/surf.suckless.org/patches/download.md
+++ b/surf.suckless.org/patches/download.md
_AT_@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ Download
 * [surf-0.4.1-download.diff](surf-0.4.1-download.diff) (3.4k) (20110928)
+* [surf-0.5-download.diff](surf-0.5-download.diff) (5.4K) (20130127)
 * Nick White <[http://njw.me.uk](http://njw.me.uk)>
+* v4hn <[http://v4hn.de](http://v4hn.de)>
diff --git a/surf.suckless.org/patches/surf-0.5-download.diff b/surf.suckless.org/patches/surf-0.5-download.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73ef790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/surf.suckless.org/patches/surf-0.5-download.diff
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
+index 1cba4d7..3065c73 100644
+--- a/config.def.h
++++ b/config.def.h
+_AT_@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ static char *progress_proxy_untrust = "#FF6600";
+ static char *stylefile = "~/.surf/style.css";
+ static char *scriptfile = "~/.surf/script.js";
+ static char *cookiefile = "~/.surf/cookies.txt";
++static char *downdir = "/tmp";
+ static time_t sessiontime = 3600;
+ static char *cafile = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt";
+ static char *strictssl = FALSE; /* Refuse untrusted SSL connections */
+diff --git a/surf.c b/surf.c
+index c9fa08d..6c95f6e 100644
+--- a/surf.c
++++ b/surf.c
+_AT_@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ static void destroyclient(Client *c);
+ static void destroywin(GtkWidget* w, Client *c);
+ static void die(const char *errstr, ...);
+ static void drawindicator(Client *c);
++static void download(WebKitDownload *o, GParamSpec *pspec, Client *c);
+ static void eval(Client *c, const Arg *arg);
+ static gboolean exposeindicator(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventExpose *e, Client *c);
+ static void find(Client *c, const Arg *arg);
+_AT_@ -290,6 +291,29 @@ cookiejar_set_property(GObject *self, guint prop_id, const GValue *value,
+ }
+ static void
++download(WebKitDownload *o, GParamSpec *pspec, Client *c) {
++ WebKitDownloadStatus status;
++ char script[2048]; char* s= script;
++ status = webkit_download_get_status(o);
++ snprintf(script, 2048, "u(%d, %d, %d)",
++ (gint)webkit_download_get_current_size(o),
++ (gint)webkit_download_get_total_size(o),
++ (gint)(webkit_download_get_progress(o) * 100));
++ const Arg a= {.v = (void*) &s};
++ eval(c, &a);
++ }
++ snprintf(script, 2048, "c(%d, %d)",
++ (gint)webkit_download_get_current_size(o),
++ (gint)webkit_download_get_total_size(o));
++ const Arg a= {.v = (void*) &s};
++ eval(c, &a);
++ }
++static void
+ evalscript(JSContextRef js, char *script, char* scriptname) {
+ JSStringRef jsscript, jsscriptname;
+ JSValueRef exception = NULL;
+_AT_@ -496,12 +520,104 @@ geturi(Client *c) {
+ static gboolean
+ initdownload(WebKitWebView *view, WebKitDownload *o, Client *c) {
+- Arg arg;
++ gchar *uri, *path;
++ const gchar *filename;
++ Client *n;
++ const char template[] =
++"<html>" \
++"<head>" \
++"<title>Download - %s</title>" \
++"<script>" \
++"function formText(x){" \
++" if(x >= 1073741824) { return (Math.floor(x/10737418.24)/100) + \"G\"; }" \
++" else if(x >= 1048576){ return (Math.floor(x/10485.76)/100) + \"M\"; }" \
++" else if(x >= 1024) { return (Math.floor(x/10.24)/100) + \"k\"; }" \
++" else { return x+\"b\"; }" \
++"}" \
++"function updateText(c,t){" \
++" txt= formText(c) + \"/\" + formText(t);" \
++" DLTEXT.textContent= txt;" \
++" /* center text in bar */" \
++" DLTEXT.setAttribute('x', 102-4.4*txt.length)" \
++"}" \
++"function c(c, t){" \
++" DLGRAD.setAttribute('x2', 230);" \
++" DLGRAD.setAttribute('x1', 205);" \
++" updateText(c,t);" \
++" document.getElementById('stop1').setAttribute('style', \"stop-color:#2020ff;\");" \
++"}" \
++"function u(c,t,p){" \
++" DLGRAD.setAttribute('x2', Math.floor(p*205/100) + 25);" \
++" DLGRAD.setAttribute('x1', Math.floor(p*205/100));" \
++" updateText(c,t);" \
++"}" \
++"</script>" \
++"</head>" \
++"<body>" \
++"<center>" \
++"<h2>Downloading</h2>" \
++"<h3>%s</h3>" \
++"to %s<br/>" \
++"<svg" \
++" xmlns:cc=\"http://creativecommons.org/ns#\"" \
++" xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"" \
++" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"" \
++" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"" \
++" width=\"210\"" \
++" height=\"60\"" \
++" id=\"download\">" \
++" <defs>" \
++" <linearGradient" \
++" id=\"dlgradient\"" \
++" x1=\"0\"" \
++" y1=\"0\"" \
++" x2=\"25\"" \
++" y2=\"0\"" \
++" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\">" \
++" <stop style=\"stop-color:#00ff00;\" offset=\"0\" id=\"stop1\" />" \
++" <stop style=\"stop-color:#00ff00;stop-opacity:0;\" offset=\"1\" id=\"stop2\" />" \
++" </linearGradient>" \
++" </defs>" \
++" <rect" \
++" style=\"fill:url(#dlgradient);stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3\"" \
++" id=\"rect2985\"" \
++" width=\"200\"" \
++" height=\"50\"" \
++" x=\"5\"" \
++" y=\"5\"" \
++" ry=\"25\" />" \
++" <text id=\"dltext\" x=\"92\" y=\"35\">0/0</text>" \
++"</svg>" \
++"</center>" \
++"<script>" \
++"DLGRAD= document.getElementById('dlgradient');" \
++"DLTEXT= document.getElementById('dltext');" \
++"</script>" \
++"</body>" \
++ char html[sizeof(template)+2048];
++ n = newclient();
++ filename = webkit_download_get_suggested_filename(o);
++ path = g_build_filename(downdir, filename, NULL);
++ uri = g_filename_to_uri(path, NULL, NULL);
++ snprintf(html, sizeof(template)+2048, template, filename, filename, path);
++ webkit_web_view_load_string(n->view, html, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++ g_signal_connect(o, "notify::progress", G_CALLBACK(download), n);
++ g_signal_connect(o, "notify::status", G_CALLBACK(download), n);
++ n->title = g_strdup_printf("Downloading %s", filename);
++ n->progress = 0;
++ update(n);
++ webkit_download_set_destination_uri(o, uri);
++ g_free(path);
++ g_free(uri);
+- updatewinid(c);
+- arg = (Arg)DOWNLOAD((char *)webkit_download_get_uri(o), geturi(c));
+- spawn(c, &arg);
+- return FALSE;
++ webkit_download_start(o);
++ return TRUE;
+ }
+ static void
Received on Sun Jan 27 2013 - 18:07:01 CET

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