[wiki] [sites] Introduce 0x9b as CSI || Jan Christoph Ebersbach

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 07:32:15 +0200

commit 3b69544d7ed6c3cd17ada5dded3387367042d4ff
Author: Jan Christoph Ebersbach <jceb_AT_e-jc.de>
Date: Mon Jul 31 07:31:33 2017 +0200

    Introduce 0x9b as CSI

diff --git a/st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input.md b/st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input.md
index 8eec1716..339cac10 100644
--- a/st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input.md
+++ b/st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input.md
_AT_@ -52,6 +52,29 @@ Notes
         nmap <M-Tab> :echo "<M-Tab>"<CR>
+- Leonard suggests to bind the CSI sequence that starts an escape sequence to
+ `0x9b` instead of `0x1b` (Esc) followed by `0x5b` (left bracket, [). This
+ removes the double use of the Esc key in terminals. Programs that run in
+ terminals always have to work around the doulbe use of the Esc key by
+ introducing a timeout that has to pass before a press of the plain Esc key is
+ acted upon. For example in vim the timeout is set by the `ttimeout` and
+ `ttimeoutlen` setting. If you want to get rid of the double use and the
+ timeout, replace all occurences of `[` with `›` in the key defition.
+ In addition, settings in your CLI programs have to be adjusted to disable the
+ timeout.
+Here is an example. This entry
+ { XK_underscore, ControlMask, "", 0, 0, 0},
+becomes the following:
+ { XK_underscore, ControlMask, "›95;5u", 0, 0, 0},
Received on Mon Jul 31 2017 - 07:32:15 CEST

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