Re: [wmii] new snap: 20051215

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:08:32 +0100

On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 11:37:45AM +0200, Jani H. Lahtinen wrote:
> I took the liberty of changing the link 20051115 -> 20051215 in the
> wiki. I guess you should not be writing in the middle of the night :-)

*g* Heh, it's not middle of the night for me, because I regularly
go to bed around 3:30 AM and sleep till 8 or 9 AM...

> The problem is that when I navigate between the desktops with
> mod+S+[num] with less than 10 desks the key to the first desk is far on
> the right and the rest are on the left. Can I change this back somewhere?

I noticed and I'll change the counting scheme back to beginning
with 1.

> >This is experimental software, don't expect production ready
> >quality, though the stability is mich higher than wmii-1.

> Noo, it seems quite unstable. Sometimes it changes automatically to
> float mode (when using firefox or openoffice) and trying to get back to
> column crashes the wm.

Ok, the snap contains an experiment which causes this. Whenever
a client gets a configurerequest this is interpreted as broken
app, because the client tries to reconfigure the window size
etc, thus it gets floating. I'll optimize that change somewhat.

> I had some ideas of layouts and keyhandling, but I have been a bit lazy
> and waiting for wmii-3 to stablise before coding. I was thinking of
> getting fluxbox-like keychains and a bit more ways of cycling through
> the frames and desktops. Perhaps some popup menus.

Yea, just wait some days, Uriel convinced me, that the Container
stuff was a bad idea.


 Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Fri Dec 16 2005 - 11:08:32 UTC

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