Re: [wmii] Re: mouse and tagging

From: Sander van Dijk <>
Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 10:45:53 +0200

On 5/5/06, Anselm R. Garbe <> wrote:
> Well, after this whole discussion I can live with following
> compromise:
This discussion isn't over yet :-)

> - keeping a horizontal swap for the price to remove the
> shortcuts of vertical swap at least
> - improving mouse-base move
This should indeed be done, regardless of what happers to swapping.

> Conceptually I'd also keep the up/down swapping in swap
> internally, although it might be bound to move-shortcuts,
> because it is nothing else than a swap from keyboard POV.
Right. On the other hand, it can be seen as a move too (since keyboard
up/down moving can only be done one client up/down at a time, it is
effectively the same as swapping, but from the mouse point of view,
moving up/down is different from swapping).

> I believe that people will ask for removal of swap in a few
> months, because they will drop using it like me or Sander,
> after a while of settlement with column layout.
Yes, and that's why I think swapping should be dumped before wmii-3.
The usage of swapping is in my eyes a result of misusage of the
column(modes) approach. We already dropped bardrag-moving and
border-resizing because that points people in the right
usage-direction, I think we should do the same with swapping.
This is not suppusod to be a "like the others"-wm, but a "done the
right way"-wm.

Gr. Sander.
Received on Fri May 05 2006 - 10:45:57 UTC

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