Re: [wmii] suggestions for the sanitizing of swapping

From: Bill Puschmann <>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 09:43:28 -0400

Just out of curiosity (and to finally stick my nose into the swapping
debate) - are we looking at this from wmii-3 standpoint or for wmii-4 (as
it's never been explicitly stated)? I, for one, would hate to see a
rewrite/rework of window movement and focus algorithms after we'd already
gone to release candidates for wmii-3. I just see too many possible
hurdles.... call me nervous. I'd like to see the feature-base frozen while
the kinks are worked out (and, no, "making the code look prettier" doesn't
strictly count as fixing bugs... that's a never-ending goal).

(for the record - I do use swapping on occasion and moving all the time...
but I'm not married to the ideas, so I've kept myself out of the debate.)

On 5/8/06, Stefan Tibus <> wrote:
> On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 12:55:02PM +0200, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
> > My intention for removing swapping is not the LOC which can be
> > safed (that is really a marginal aspect). It is the simplicity
> > of the overall column concept and the usage patterns which are
> > involved with it. Having a basic and simple move-only based
> > concept means, that people use it the same way, which is
> > important for future development, documentation, tutorials, etc.
> What's the problem with describing swapping in the docs?
> > Also, if one compares the move-only and swapping usage patterns
> > to dynamic window management, it seems to me that sticking to a
> > static number of columns and using swapping most of the time is
> > less efficient than using as many columns as necessary for a
> > task and using the clients in the specific position as they
> > are (or move them if one needs them in a different place).
> That's a question of window sizes and involved redrawings. Even
> on a large screen (so it's not screen-size dependent) I'd like
> to have my main editing window to be the largest and others
> I just have open to look something up smaller. When I change
> working file I want to have that one largest. And to have it
> so, swapping is much easier and faster than some other way to
> move the client around or change its size... I rarely split
> up my screen into many equal-sized windows. Or, to tell it in
> another way: The larswm way very well fits my own way, but
> larswm is too fixed on that. And stacking and moving is not
> a good replacement. That's why I like wmii but with swapping.
> And I just can't see why this great feature should be bad
> style.
> Regards,
> Stefan
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Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 15:43:30 UTC

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