Re: [wmii] a rule for adding to ! as well as other tags? and alternative tagging behaviours.

From: Ramana Kumar <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 20:46:19 +1000

On 5/13/06, Anselm R. Garbe <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 09:54:45AM +1000, Ramana Kumar wrote:
> > putting
> > /foo/ -> !
> > in /def/rules
> > sends foo to the current view when it is opened.
> > but
> > /foo/ -> bar+!
> > sends it to a tag called "bar+!" how can i send it to both "bar" and
> > the current view?
> That is not possible atm, but I add a TODO for wmii-4. Obviously
> we didn't expected this case.
thank you - that will be useful.

> > is there an analogue to "!" which sends a program not to the current
> > view but to a new view with the "next" tag (where next can be defined
> > by a range, for example 0-9) ?
> No. Because there is no 'next' view. Tag sets have no order.
i was suggesting that an order be defined by the user (in the wmiirc
file, for example) if they wanted to send clients to the 'next' view.
but maybe this isn't a very good idea.

> > i'm currently using the solution to remove the /.*/ -> ! rule and send
> > all new clients to the "nil" tag from which place i can move them to
> > another tag if i want to. it works very well except for one thing: i
> > need rules like
> > /.*Open.*/ -> !
> > /.*Save.*/ -> !
> > to send common floating windows like open and save dialog boxes to the
> > current tag instead of the "nil" tag (because i'd rather them float
> > above the client which "owns" them than jump off into the "nil" view).
> > somehow wmii correctly decides that these windows should be floating.
> > can't i also somehow tell it to send it to "!" if it's floating?
> Show me your complete rules. The order of rules is important,
> except for the magic ~ tag. ~ rules apply always, they simply
> set the floating flag of clients, but this does not make them
> floating if they are already attached at a specific view.
> If the floating flag of a client is set, this makes those
> clients floating if they are attached (tagged) to a specific
> new view (this is especially the case for newly created clients).
> All other rules only apply if the tags of a client are either
> empty or 'nil', in the order the rules are provided.
> By default:
> /.*/ -> !
> /.*/ -> 1
> The inheritence rule has precedence. On startup this rule simply
> applies the nil tag to untagged clients, but nil is the only
> tag which can be overridden beside an empty tag, thus all those
> nil-clients get the new default 1.
> If your above rules with Open and Save are the last rules, they
> should work fine. If not, maybe they don't match the class or
> title of the specific client.
thanks for explaining these details. but i wanted to be able to not
put Open and Save rules in at all - rather, i wanted wmii to work out
whether or not to send the clients to the nil view or to the current
view. the way it would determine this would be the same way it
magically determines which clients should be flagged as floating. (i
don't mean clients with /foo/ -> ~ rules, i mean clients with no rules
which still get marked floating somehow like dialog boxes).

i've gone back to just sending all new clients to the current view, so
this isn't a pressing matter any more. still it would be nice to know
how it could be done. so how does wmii know when to mark a client as
floating when it doesn't have a rule? it seems to do it whenever the
client is created by another program, which is a good feature.
> Regards,
> --
> Anselm R. Garbe ><>< ><>< GPG key: 0D73F361
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Received on Sat May 13 2006 - 12:46:19 UTC

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