Re: [wmii] resizal of windows over fs/keyboard

From: Daniel Waeber <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 17:50:30 +0100

Hash: SHA1

The Problem with geom files is, that it does not represent how clients
in managed mod are handled. You just can't move a client in the left
column to the left, you can't resize the first of three clients in a
column over the third one. I don't have any better solution but geom
files don't feel right in managed mode.
Perhaps it would be better to move the barrier between two
columns/clients. One Problem about this is that you have to know what
barrier you have to move. Some commands like move left +30, or move up
- -30 would be needed to move the left/upper barrier of the focused client
and a way to directly address a barrier.
This does not look perfect, but it would represent the managed mode more

Denis Grelich wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm currently thinking about how to implement resizing of windows via
> the file system (meaning via keyboard shortcuts). A feature longed for
> by many, and causing headaches for quite a long time.
> I think about reorganizing the clients, not all clients being managed
> under one directory:
> /client/<ID>
> but sorted by view:
> /client/<view>/<ID>
> This way of listing is more useful, and it is obvious which frame on
> which view is meant when issuing a geom command to the client's ctl
> file. (Obviously, organizing the tree this way also means that one ID
> can be found more than once in the file tree, but that's nothing bad in
> my eyes.)
> Another possible change would be to have a geom file instead the geom
> command to ctl, so one can read out the geometry. Don't know if that is
> needed anyway, I personally don't think so.
> Any objections, opinions, or ideas?
> Greetings
> Denis
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Received on Thu Jan 25 2007 - 17:51:55 UTC

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