Re: [wmii] Ctl commands and geometry change

From: Kris Maglione <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 01:32:09 -0400

On Sun, Apr 29, 2007 at 01:20:55PM +0300, Eugine Kosenko wrote:
> Actually, I would like to use gkrellm2, which is one of the "improper"
> applications: it assumes WIMP and has a fixed size. However, I found a
> way to make the thing. I launch gkrellm (it is started in the floating
> area), send it to the layout (Mod-Shift-Space), move it to the right
> column (Mod-Shift-L) and then adjust its size using Mod-RB3-Drag. It
> works fine enough, and I want to do this automatically each time I
> start wmii.

I used to have a script to do the same. M-g toggled gkrellm to/from the
current view, moved it to the far right, and resized its column, but I
never really used it. Nevertheless, there is currently no way to resize
clients from the FS. For 3.6, there will be ways change column width,
managed client height, and floating client size/position. But it will
also be possible to leave empty space on either side of the screen, and
it will respect the borderless MWM hints of clients such as gkrellm. A
large part of this is already done in the -test branch, and I intend to
add some simple heuristics to better support dock apps. But none of it
is available yet (except for the parts that are done in the -test

Kris Maglione
Almost anything is easier to get into than out of.

Received on Mon Apr 30 2007 - 07:32:41 UTC

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