On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 03:28:20PM +0300, Alpinweis wrote:
>It seems I found the problem. I had a rc.wmii.local file in my
>~/.wmii-3.5 directory. When I removed the file WMII managed to get
>past the dumb white screen and ran fine. My question now is how can I
>have a local rc.wmii and still be able to run WMII?
If rc.wmii.local was causing trouble, it means that you *are*
using rc.wmii. You probably copied rc.wmii to rc.wmii.local,
which you're not supposed to do. It should actually complain.
>I also noticed that upon exit from WMII I still get the 'wmiir : fatal
>: can't mount' error'. How serious is that?
It could be any number of things.
>One more issue: when I try using wmiir from inside WMII to try and
>read /bar, /view, whatever I always get the error 'file not found'.
>What is I am doing wrong?
They don't exist. Try `wmiir ls /'.
-- Kris Maglione When you need to knock on wood is when you realize the world's composed of aluminum and vinyl. PGP: http://suckless.org/~jg/pubkey.pgp SHA1 (pubkey.pgp) = 2d464f9dbb186bee6f4faa88e2f6c5802bcfd935Received on Wed May 07 2008 - 14:52:46 UTC
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