Re: [wmii] Fwd: space between frame

From: Alex Kilgore <>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 11:37:48 -0500

Michel wrote:
> Ok I will try to install the latest version and I'll tell you if the
> problem continue or not.
> For the politic of Debian, it's easy the version stable (actually 4.0 ->
> Etch) is frozen. Never upgrade on a version stable, except the security
> update. If anybody want use Debian with latest version of each package,
> he can use version testing or unstable.

I use debian here too and I think the reason debian has not updated
their wmii packages is that most of the changes that have gone on in
wmii for quite awhile have either been put in snapshots or in the
mercurial repo, I wouldnt try using the one from sid either, the version
string is 3.6+debian4....try one of the snaps or the mercurial changesets
Received on Sun Nov 16 2008 - 16:37:48 UTC

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