On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:42:19PM +0100, Troels Henriksen wrote:
> Anselm R Garbe <garbeam_AT_gmail.com> writes:
> > * surf (seems dead, please shout if you disagree or if anyone wants to
> > take this on, it doesn't make sense if it is not maintained, as
> > webkitgtk carries away)
> I wouldn't mind taking maintainership of Surf, if necessary. I'm
> already maintaining an off-tree fork with some changes (although not all
> of those changes are "suckless", I think I have figured out some good
> ways to make Surf more useful).
I second Troels self-nomination. I use surf all the time.
sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Received on Mon Oct 31 2011 - 14:35:45 CET