Re: [dev] [dmenu] Readline Bindings

From: Bastien Dejean <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 20:37:21 +0100

Connor Lane Smith a écrit :

> On 14/11/2011, Bastien Dejean <> wrote:
> > C-w is not extremely useful as it considers that anything except
> > 'space' is a word character.
> I actually find this more useful. A lot of implementations zip through
> all your non-alnum symbols when you hit C-w, which I just find
> irritating.

I happen to use dmenu to move image files around from within sxiv and,
in this context, I found the default C-w behavior to be inappropriate.

> > I find the behavior of C-f and C-b to be counter intuitive in the
> > 'fallthrough' cases.
> Why do you find it counterintuitive? I find it very intuitive. :p

Well, suppose you're using C-f to move down in the list of matches, then
you want to move up, you hit C-b because it's the natural symmetric of
C-f and you end up moving the cursor backward in the search string.

Received on Mon Nov 14 2011 - 20:37:21 CET

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