Re: [dev] [ii] Patch to use ii with UCSPI backend

From: younix <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:56:50 +0100

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 01:22:38PM +0100, Nico Golde wrote:
> Hi,
> * younix <> [2015-01-15 22:41]:
> > this diff changes the network connection of ii to the UCSPI[1] protocol.
> > This makes ii much more flexible. With the UCSPI protocol you could use
> > features like IPv6[2], SOCKSv5[3] or even TLS[3]. This diff extracts
> > the socket handling infrastructure to an external program like
> > tcpclient. So it shrinks the codebase and complexity.
> >
> > What is your opinion about this diff? At least it would be great to put
> > this patch at the ii suckless webpage. So I could made an OpenBSD port
> > (flavor) of it.
> I would rather not want to include it upstream due to the additional
> dependency. However, I really like the idea and think there is definitely a
> value having that as an option. I see two possibilities and I have no
> preference in either direction, either we put this as a diff on the website or
> alternatively we maintain this in git as a branch. The website has the
> advantage that it would allow you to easily maintain that patch and put up new
> revision on your own. What do you think?

I expected your decision to avoid a dependency, but it is ok for me.
I don't get the point with an additional git branch!? What would be the
advantage of it, instead of a diff on the website? How would it look
like if you made the next release of ii?

At the moment I want to make an new flavor of the OpenBSD port of ii.
Using a patch from the website looks like the best practice to it.

So I will send a patch for the ucspi support for the website till the
next days.

Received on Wed Jan 21 2015 - 19:56:50 CET

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