[hackers] [surf] Removed progress indicator || Jens Nyberg

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 21:13:34 +0100

commit 3c1ed5d56af13f09a81beb00c59464972c36b2f0
Author: Jens Nyberg <jens.nyberg_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Tue Feb 12 20:36:56 2013 +0100

    Removed progress indicator
    This removes the progress indicator and replaces it with
    letters in the window title.
    T/U: Trusted, Untrusted
    P/-: Proxy, No proxy
    Signed-off-by: Christoph Lohmann <20h_AT_r-36.net>

diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index a221c86..d503bfb 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
_AT_@ -2,19 +2,12 @@
 static char *useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Unix; en-US) "
         "AppleWebKit/537.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1295.0 "
         "Safari/537.15 Surf/"VERSION;
-static char *progress = "#0000FF";
-static char *progress_untrust = "#FF0000";
-static char *progress_trust = "#00FF00";
-static char *progress_proxy = "#FFFF00";
-static char *progress_proxy_trust = "#66FF00";
-static char *progress_proxy_untrust = "#FF6600";
 static char *stylefile = "~/.surf/style.css";
 static char *scriptfile = "~/.surf/script.js";
 static char *cookiefile = "~/.surf/cookies.txt";
 static time_t sessiontime = 3600;
 static char *cafile = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt";
 static char *strictssl = FALSE; /* Refuse untrusted SSL connections */
-static int indicator_thickness = 2;
 /* Webkit default features */
 static Bool enablespatialbrowsing = TRUE;
diff --git a/surf.c b/surf.c
index cebd469..1c999dd 100644
--- a/surf.c
+++ b/surf.c
_AT_@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ union Arg {
 typedef struct Client {
- GtkWidget *win, *scroll, *vbox, *indicator, *pane;
+ GtkWidget *win, *scroll, *vbox, *pane;
         WebKitWebView *view;
         WebKitWebInspector *inspector;
         char *title, *linkhover;
_AT_@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ static gboolean showxid = FALSE;
 static char winid[64];
 static gboolean usingproxy = 0;
 static char togglestat[5];
+static char pagestat[2];
 static void beforerequest(WebKitWebView *w, WebKitWebFrame *f,
                 WebKitWebResource *r, WebKitNetworkRequest *req,
_AT_@ -113,13 +114,12 @@ static gboolean decidewindow(WebKitWebView *v, WebKitWebFrame *f,
 static void destroyclient(Client *c);
 static void destroywin(GtkWidget* w, Client *c);
 static void die(const char *errstr, ...);
-static void drawindicator(Client *c);
 static void eval(Client *c, const Arg *arg);
-static gboolean exposeindicator(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventExpose *e, Client *c);
 static void find(Client *c, const Arg *arg);
 static void fullscreen(Client *c, const Arg *arg);
 static const char *getatom(Client *c, int a);
 static void gettogglestat(Client *c);
+static void getpagestat(Client *c);
 static char *geturi(Client *c);
 static gboolean initdownload(WebKitWebView *v, WebKitDownload *o, Client *c);
_AT_@ -370,7 +370,6 @@ destroyclient(Client *c) {
         Client *p;
- gtk_widget_destroy(c->indicator);
_AT_@ -403,51 +402,6 @@ die(const char *errstr, ...) {
 static void
-drawindicator(Client *c) {
- gint width;
- const char *uri;
- char *colorname;
- GtkWidget *w;
- GdkGC *gc;
- GdkColor fg;
- uri = geturi(c);
- w = c->indicator;
- width = c->progress * w->allocation.width / 100;
- gc = gdk_gc_new(w->window);
- if(strstr(uri, "https://") == uri) {
- if(usingproxy) {
- colorname = c->sslfailed? progress_proxy_untrust :
- progress_proxy_trust;
- } else {
- colorname = c->sslfailed? progress_untrust :
- progress_trust;
- }
- } else {
- if(usingproxy) {
- colorname = progress_proxy;
- } else {
- colorname = progress;
- }
- }
- gdk_color_parse(colorname, &fg);
- gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &fg);
- gdk_draw_rectangle(w->window,
- w->style->bg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(w)],
- TRUE, 0, 0, w->allocation.width, w->allocation.height);
- gdk_draw_rectangle(w->window, gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width,
- w->allocation.height);
- g_object_unref(gc);
-static gboolean
-exposeindicator(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventExpose *e, Client *c) {
- drawindicator(c);
- return TRUE;
-static void
 find(Client *c, const Arg *arg) {
         const char *s;
_AT_@ -739,21 +693,12 @@ newclient(void) {
                         G_CALLBACK(beforerequest), c);
- /* Indicator */
- c->indicator = gtk_drawing_area_new();
- gtk_widget_set_size_request(c->indicator, 0, indicator_thickness);
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (c->indicator), "expose_event",
- G_CALLBACK (exposeindicator), c);
         /* Arranging */
         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(c->scroll), GTK_WIDGET(c->view));
         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(c->win), c->pane);
         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(c->vbox), c->scroll);
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(c->vbox), c->indicator);
         /* Setup */
- gtk_box_set_child_packing(GTK_BOX(c->vbox), c->indicator, FALSE,
         gtk_box_set_child_packing(GTK_BOX(c->vbox), c->scroll, TRUE,
                         TRUE, 0, GTK_PACK_START);
_AT_@ -1117,23 +1062,26 @@ gettogglestat(Client *c){
         togglestat[4] = '
Received on Tue Feb 12 2013 - 21:13:34 CET

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