Re: [dev] [dwm] moving clients around

From: Niki Yoshiuchi <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 18:48:51 -0400

I wrote a patch to do just that, which is a little out of date but might
still work with current dwm versions:

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Jacob Todd <> wrote:

> I was thinking about this the other day when I was messing around with my
> config
> again, why isn't there default support for moving clients around in the
> tile lay
> out? I have to use the push patch for this, and even that is only moving
> clients
> up or down. Moving clients left, right, up, down seems something fairly
> trivial,
> and I would think many people would use this. So why isn't there either
> support
> in dwm for this, or a decent patch for it?
Received on Thu May 21 2009 - 22:48:51 UTC

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